Physics Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Archimedes revisited: a faster, better, cheaper method of accurately measuring the volume of small objects2005/09/01178
Some alternative views of energy1983/09/01162
A technique for exploring students' views of the world1980/11/01135
Advanced tools for smartphone-based experiments: phyphox2018/05/16130
Misconceptions and the Certainty of Response Index (CRI)1999/09/01126
A survey of some children's ideas about force1981/11/0197
Formal and informal learning in science: the role of the interactive science centres1990/09/0192
Physics of the microwave oven2003/12/1786
Real-life contexts for learning physics: meanings, issues and practice1999/01/0184
Students' difficulties with energy and related concepts1994/01/0179
Misconceptions in physics amongst South African students1980/03/0175
Students' conceptions of ideas in mechanics1982/03/0174
Learning the energy concept in school - empirical results from The Philippines and West Germany1984/03/0173
Preparing teachers to teach physics and physical science by inquiry2000/11/0171
Secondary students' conceptions of the conduction of heat: bringing together scientific and personal views1985/07/0167
The quantum understanding of pre-university physics students2000/01/0165
The Force Concept Inventory: a tool for monitoring student learning2002/01/0162
Students' use of the principle of energy conservation in problem situations1985/07/0160
Students' concept of force: the importance of understanding Newton's third law1989/11/0160
Why aren't secondary students interested in physics?2003/06/3060
University students' conceptions of basic astronomy concepts2000/01/0156
Teaching the conservation of energy1985/07/0153
The molecular mechanism of surface tension1971/03/0153
Rule-governed approaches to physics - Newton's third law1984/01/0148
How do wings work?2003/11/0148
Using the Force Concept Inventory to monitor student learning and to plan teaching2002/01/0146
Classical experiments revisited: smartphones and tablet PCs as experimental tools in acoustics and optics2014/07/0145
Why students choose physics, or reject it1994/11/0145
Relativity, quantum physics and philosophy in the upper secondary curriculum: challenges, opportunities and proposed approaches2014/10/2845