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The best place to find a starting point for research
More than one hundred million scientific articles are presented on this site in seventy-two different languages. These articles are organized into 363 scientific categories. At the beginning of a research project, articles with the highest number of citations can be very useful. On the papers list page, articles can be reviewed based on journal field, publication date, article language, and the number of citations.
The best place to continue research
papersmetric is your ultimate resource for scientific discovery, offering access to a vast collection of research papers and journals across numerous fields. Whether you're just starting your research or diving deeper into a specific topic, our platform helps you explore and uncover valuable insights. With tools to filter by journal field, publication date, language, and citation count, you can easily find the most relevant studies to support your work. Begin your journey of discovery and let our comprehensive database fuel your breakthroughs.
The best place to find a journal to publish research results
Your research work is complete. Now you are looking for the right journal to publish your research results. papersmetric is the perfect platform to help researchers find the most suitable journals for publishing their work. With an extensive database of scientific journals across diverse fields, we provide detailed information about each journal’s scope, and UGC. Whether you're aiming for a high-impact publication or a niche audience in your field, our tools and resources make it easy to identify the best match for your research. Let us guide you to the right journal and bring your work to the attention of the scientific community.
Open Access
If you are looking for a suitable open-access journal, Papers Metric can assist you in this regard. Open-access journals are presented to you using the DOAJ. Through this page, you can review open-access journals based on scientific classification, printing costs, discounts on printing costs, journal language, type of refereeing, plagiarism checks, and UGC compliance.
Indian University Grants Commission (UGC)
The Indian government publishes a report every few months on its accepted scientific journals, known as the UGC report. This report features high-quality scientific journals across various disciplines. The journals listed in this report are also included in international indexes such as ISI (Clarivate), Scopus, and ICI.