Early Child Development and Care

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Parent–child interaction and children’s number learning2006/10/01English30
Chinese parents' perceptions and practices of parental involvement during school transition2013/05/10English30
Language and social competence in typically developing children and late talkers between 18 and 35 months of age2015/05/08English30
The psychosocial development theory of Erik Erikson: critical overview2021/01/17English30
Emotions matter: the moderating role of emotional labour on preschool teacher and children interactions2017/02/08English29
Children’s play preferences: implications for the preschool education2009/04/01English29
Choosing to Teach: Perceptions of Male Preservice Teachers in Early Childhood and Elementary Education2000/01/01English29
Heritage language maintenance and cultural identity formation: the case of Korean immigrant parents and their children in the USA2013/11/01English29
Quality of attachment to father and mother and number of reciprocal friends2011/01/01English29
Young children’s perceptions of social withdrawal in China and Canada2012/05/01English29
Male teacher, female teacher: exploring children’s perspectives of teachers’ roles in kindergartens2009/02/01English29
Assessing and treating high‐risk parenting attitudes1989/01/01English29
Parenting styles and practices among Chinese immigrant mothers with young children2012/01/01English28
Guys and dolls: a qualitative study of teachers’ views of gendered play in kindergarten2014/10/17English28
Preschool teachers’ perceptions and pedagogical practices: young children’s use of ICT2016/09/15English28
Having, loving, and being: children's narrated well-being in Finnish day care centres2012/04/01English28
The role of parenting styles and socio-economic status in parents’ knowledge of child development2015/09/15English28
‘It’s more funner than doing work’: children’s perspectives on using tablet computers in the early years of school2016/10/05English28
An alternative approach for the analyses and interpretation of attachment sort items2004/12/01English28
Bridging Home and School Literacy: In Search of Transformative Approaches to Curriculum2002/04/01English28
Parent involvement in child care settings: conceptual and measurement issues2006/07/01English28
Evaluation of the quality of early childhood classrooms in Turkey2009/05/01English28
Interviewing, and listening to the voices of, very young children on body image and perceptions of self2005/08/01English28
Relationship between kindergarten children’s language ability and social competence2009/10/01English28
Management of Sleep Problems in Pre‐School Children: Effects of a Behavioural Programme on Sleep Routines, Maternal Depression and Perceived Control.1988/01/01English28
Socioemotional versus academic emphasis: Impact on kindergartners’ development and achievement1993/01/01English28
A Comparison Between Informational and Narrative Picture Books as a Context for Reasoning Between Caregivers and 4‐year‐old Children1999/01/01English28
Bibliotherapy: An Innovative Approach for Helping Children1995/01/01English28
Extra-textual talk in shared book reading: a focus on questioning2012/09/01English28
Seeking children's perspectives: a respectful layered research approach2013/09/02English27