Early Child Development and Care

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Association among motor skills and fluid intelligence in children aged from 5 to 7 years with different sports skill learning2023/09/27English
Predictors of preschoolers’ classroom engagement: teacher–child interactions, teacher–child relationships, and child’s self-control2023/11/08English
Family resilience and problem behaviours in Chinese preschool children: the chain mediating role of maternal parenting stress and parenting self-efficacy2023/11/09English
Chinese young children’s work education under the impact of the global pandemic and digitalization2023/10/24English
‘You can’t have it both ways’: Arab women caretakers in kibbutz kindergartens in Israel2023/10/24English
Processes of change in early childhood policy and legislation in Israel2023/10/24English
Borderline personality disorder in mothers, maternal sensitivity, and infant social withdrawal: a study on clinical dyads referred to perinatal mental health units2023/10/09English
Features, measurement, and quality improvement in family childcare: a systematic literature review (SLR)2023/11/09English
Mothers with tandem breastfeeding experience: a qualitative study2023/11/09English
A meta-analysis of teacher–child interaction and early child outcomes from the perspective of CLASS2023/11/09English
Profile of functioning of Brazilian children with congenital Zika syndrome: a longitudinal study applying the common brief ICF core set for cerebral palsy2023/11/08English
Bioecological factors associated with gross motor skills of preschool children2023/10/25English
Needs and readiness to use tele-practice for identification and rehabilitation of children with hearing and speech-language disorders: perceptions of public sector care providers in South India2023/11/06English
Social relationships, interactions and learning in early childhood – theoretical approaches, empirical findings and challenges2023/09/10English
Chinese college teachers’ work-family conflict and their preschool children’s problem behaviors: the mediating effects of parental phubbing and children’s problematic media use2024/02/17English
Relationships between parental marital quality and preschool children’s prosocial behaviours: a meta-analysis2024/02/17English
The influence of birth order and sibling age gap on children’s sharing decision2023/02/15English
Screen time and preschoolers’ pre-academic and behavioural competence: the moderating role of child characteristics2024/01/16English
Emergent digital literacy in Chinese preschoolers: developmental patterns and associated predicators2024/01/25English
Snap: young children share the importance of relationships through child-led photography2023/07/27English
Maternal sensitivity and children’s sleep problems across early childhood2023/06/12English
Number sense predicts arithmetic competence in young Chinese children: the role of visual spatial skills and inhibitory control2024/04/17English
The effect of biological nurturing on breastfeeding success and self-efficacy in primiparous women: a randomized controlled study2024/04/17English
The effect of regular physical activities on neurological status, developmental parameters, and physical fitness in preschoolers2024/04/21English
Positive and multifaceted perceptions of Israeli kindergarten teachers contribute to developmental gains of children with developmental delay2024/04/21English
Children’s response accuracy : examining the effect of activity engagement, age, language proficiency, and time elapse2024/04/22English
The efficacy of cognitive–behavioural play therapy and puppet play therapy on bilingual children’s expressive, receptive language disorders2024/01/25English
Precarity and work-family balance: fathers’ workplace demands and perinatal home visiting participation2023/08/24English
Examining the longitudinal association between toddlers’ early shyness and their well-being during their first year in Norwegian early childhood education and care2023/08/25English
Exploring teachers’ perspectives on the benefits and barriers of using social robots in early childhood education2023/09/12English