Investigations in Mathematics Learning

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Teaching Mathematical Connections to Financial Literacy in Grades K-8: Clarifying the Issues2011/03/01English2
Problem Solving Concretely with the Word like2013/03/01English2
Issues of validity in reporting the number of doctorates in mathematics education2017/10/27English2
A Description of Fourth Grade Children’s Problem-Solving in Mathematics2010/01/01English2
Assessing Multiple Abstract Algebra Assessments2009/03/01English2
Lacking a Formal Concept of Limit: Advanced Non-Mathematics Students’ Personal Concept Definitions2015/09/01English2
Authentic Teaching Experiences in Secondary Mathematics Methods2015/03/01English2
Comparison of algorithmic and multiple-representation integrated instruction for teaching fractions, decimals, and percent2018/04/13English2
Sustaining at Scale: District Mathematics Specialists’ Adaptations to a Teacher Leadership Preparation Program2022/11/11English2
A Whole School Agreement: Professional Learning with a Focus on Environmental STEM2022/01/02English2
Studying Coach-teacher Interactions during Co-taught Mathematics Lessons2022/04/06English2
Toward an understanding of p-values: Simulation-based inference in a traditional statistics course2018/02/23English1
Prospective Teachers’ Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge of Mean Absolute Deviation2014/03/01English1
Beliefs about the NCTM Standards of Special Educators of Students with Emotional Disturbance2009/03/01English1
Second-Graders’ Mathematical Practices for Solving Fraction Tasks2014/09/01English1
Geometry Students’ Self-Determination and Their Engagement in Mathematical Whole Class Discussion2015/12/01English1
Effects of Early Acceleration of Students in Mathematics on Taking Advanced Mathematics Coursework in High School2010/09/01English1
Learning algebra through motion: An examination of pre-service teachers’ misconceptions when using motion detectors for the first time2017/10/02English1
A Case Study in Using Explicit Instruction to Teach Young Children Counting Skills2015/12/01English1
A study of common student practices for determining the domain and range of graphs2017/02/14English1
Examining the Impact of Writing and Literacy Connections on Mathematics Learning2016/03/01English1
Area models to image integer and binomial multiplication2017/10/11English1
A Case Study of Teacher Responses to a Doubling Error and Difficulty in Learning Equivalent Fractions2012/01/01English1
Examining content validity of tests using teachers’ reported opportunity to learn2017/04/13English1
A Teacher’s Professional Development through Action Research2008/09/01English1
Making sense of third-grade students’ misunderstandings of the number line2016/12/09English1
Revelations from Counting: A Window to Conceptual Understanding2011/01/01English1
Lung Disease, Indigestion, and Two-way Tables2015/12/01English1
Research projects and secondary mathematics pre-service teachers’ sense of efficacy2016/12/09English1
Pre-service teachers’ conceptions of the magnitude of large numbers2016/12/14English1