Engineering Project Organization Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Toward a unified theory of project governance: economic, sociological and psychological supports for relational contracting2012/06/01English91
Messy talk and clean technology: communication, problem-solving and collaboration using Building Information Modelling2011/06/01English87
Exploring the front-end of project management2013/04/03English70
Networks in engineering: an emerging approach to project organization studies2012/06/01English57
The institutional environment of global project organizations2012/06/01English48
Beyond ‘one size fits all’: how local conditions shape PPP-enabling field development2011/03/01English46
The emergence of partnering in construction practice: an activity theory perspective2011/03/01English46
Towards project management 2.02011/09/01English40
House of Project Complexity—understanding complexity in large infrastructure projects2014/05/06English34
Real options in infrastructure projects: theory, practice and prospects2012/06/01English33
The interplay between formal and informal contracting in integrated project delivery2014/12/13English33
Lean management methods for complex projects2012/06/01English29
Climate change: comparative impact on developing and developed countries2011/03/01English28
Collaboration in public construction—contractual incentives, partnering schemes and trust2012/12/01English25
Social network analysis and organizational control in complex projects: construction of EXPO 2010 in China2011/12/01English24
Managing digital coordination of design: emerging hybrid practices in an institutionalized project setting2011/09/01English23
The ambience of a project alliance in Australia2013/10/16English22
Structuring PPP toll-road contracts to achieve public pricing objectives2011/06/01English22
Assessing key dimensions to effective innovation implementation in interorganizational project teams: an Integrated Project Delivery case2013/11/22English21
Knowledge-sharing connections across geographical boundaries in global intra-firm networks2011/12/01English21
Lessons learned practices in the UK construction sector: current practice and proposed improvements2012/12/01English18
The role of social heuristics in project-centred production networks: insights from the commercial construction industry2012/06/01English18
A tool for enhancing innovation in construction organizations2013/03/01English18
Explorative and exploitative learning in project-based organizations: improving knowledge governance through a project management office?2015/10/02English16
Model for knowledge-sharing strategies: a game theory analysis2011/03/01English16
Enabling conditions for the emergence and effective performance of technical and cultural boundary spanners in global virtual teams2011/06/01English15
The effects of organizational divisions on knowledge-sharing networks in multi-lateral communities of practice2015/06/30English15
Understanding power within project work: the neglected role of material and embodied registers2012/12/01English14
Using ‘design thinking’ to enhance urban re-development: a case study from India2016/03/15English13
A bridge too far: examining the impact of facilitators on information transfer in global virtual project networks2012/12/01English12