Engineering Project Organization Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Passing the baton? Handing over digital data from the project to operations2016/01/02English11
The impact of cultural boundary spanners on global project network performance2011/03/01English11
Exploring project participants' satisfaction in the infrastructure projects2013/12/01English11
The impact of cultural diversity on the effectiveness of construction project teams2011/12/01English10
Understanding operations strategizing in project-based organisations: middle managers’ interaction and strategy praxis2015/06/09English10
The ‘slippery’ concept of ‘culture’ in projects: towards alternative theoretical possibilities embedded in project practice2013/11/22English9
A contested organizational field perspective of the diffusion of public–private partnership regimes: evidence from India2012/09/01English8
Understanding of labelling and sustaining of innovation in construction: a sensemaking perspective2014/01/02English8
Stakes and struggles in liminal spaces: construction practitioners interacting with management-consultants2014/05/15English8
‘What is going on and what should we do?’ Divergent frames in multifunctional projects2015/01/02English8
Global offshoring of engineering project teams: trust asymmetries across cultural borders2012/06/01English8
Innovative financing (IF) of infrastructure projects in Ghana: conceptual and empirical observations2011/12/01English8
A contingency approach to designing project organizations: theory and tools2012/06/01English7
Emotional intelligence and academic performance of engineering students2013/03/01English7
Engineering project organization: defining a line of inquiry and a path forward2011/03/01English7
Collaboration in public sector projects: unearthing the contextual challenges posed in project environments2012/09/01English7
Thinking, saying and doing in collaborative projects: What can we learn from theories of practice?2014/05/22English7
Project management: a profession with a hole in its head or, why a change in the culture of academic support is needed for the profession2014/01/27English7
Historical perspectives of engineering project design, organisation and management: construction of the Elan Valley dams2013/12/01English6
Contribution of multiple construction site management features to project team communication effectiveness: the case of mass housing projects2015/10/02English6
Challenges of using systems engineering for design decisions in large infrastructure tenders2015/10/02English6
Making sense of partnering: discourses, governance and institutional change2012/09/01English6
Collaborative risk management processes: a constructive case study2013/12/01English6
Towards satisfying the client: optimizing, satisficing or disappointing?2014/01/09English6
Achieving reliability in transnational work on complex projects: new directions for research2014/08/11English6
Exploring the use of social network analysis to inform exit strategies for rural water and sanitation NGOs2016/10/01English5
An empirical investigation of opportunistic behaviour in project networks and its impact on market efficiency2011/06/01English5
Pragmatic framework of programme organizational capability for delivering megaprojects at design and construction phases: a Chinese client perspective2015/02/23English5
Encouraging knowledge sharing in engineering firms—part II: game theory analysis and firm strategies2013/03/01English5
Visualizing practices in project-based design: tracing connections through cascades of visual representations2016/10/01English5