A Review of Hot Deck Imputation for Survey Non‐response

Article Properties
Andridge, Rebecca R., and Roderick J. A. Little. “A Review of Hot Deck Imputation for Survey Non‐response”. International Statistical Review, vol. 78, no. 1, 2010, pp. 40-64, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-5823.2010.00103.x.
Andridge, R. R., & Little, R. J. A. (2010). A Review of Hot Deck Imputation for Survey Non‐response. International Statistical Review, 78(1), 40-64. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-5823.2010.00103.x
Andridge, Rebecca R., and Roderick J. A. Little. “A Review of Hot Deck Imputation for Survey Non‐response”. International Statistical Review 78, no. 1 (2010): 40-64. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-5823.2010.00103.x.
Andridge RR, Little RJA. A Review of Hot Deck Imputation for Survey Non‐response. International Statistical Review. 2010;78(1):40-64.
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Alternative Paradigms for the Analysis of Imputed Survey Data Journal of the American Statistical Association
  • Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. Mathematical statistics
  • Science: Mathematics
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Missing Data, Imputation, and the Bootstrap Journal of the American Statistical Association
  • Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. Mathematical statistics
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A Systematic Approach to Automatic Edit and Imputation Journal of the American Statistical Association
  • Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. Mathematical statistics
  • Science: Mathematics
83 1976
The use of sample weights in hot deck imputation 2009
A nonresponse model approach to inference under imputation for missing survey data 2006
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Machine Learning Multicenter Risk Model to Predict Right Ventricular Failure After Mechanical Circulatory Support

JAMA Cardiology
  • Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system
  • Medicine: Medicine (General)
2 2024
Treatments and Outcomes Among Patients with Sydenham Chorea

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  • Medicine: Medicine (General)
  • Medicine: Internal medicine
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Effects of single and multiple imputation strategies on addressing over-fitting issues caused by imbalanced data from various scenarios Applied Intelligence
  • Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science
  • Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electronics
  • Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
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  • Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply
  • Medicine: Medicine (General)
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The effects of living arrangements and leisure activities on depressive symptoms of Chinese older adults: Evidence from panel data analysis Journal of Affective Disorders
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Citations Analysis
Category Category Repetition
Social Sciences133
Medicine: Medicine (General)111
Medicine: Public aspects of medicine91
Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. Mathematical statistics73
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Industrial medicine. Industrial hygiene66
Science: Mathematics58
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry: Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system: Psychiatry49
Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science49
Medicine: Medicine (General): Medical technology46
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Psychology45
Social Sciences: Sociology (General)34
Science: Science (General)33
Science: Biology (General)33
Medicine: Medicine (General): Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics32
Social Sciences: Statistics30
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)29
Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science29
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry22
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electronics21
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business20
Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering19
Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery19
Science: Biology (General): Ecology17
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences16
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry: Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system16
Science: Science (General): Cybernetics: Information theory16
Medicine: Internal medicine14
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology14
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens14
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electric apparatus and materials. Electric circuits. Electric networks14
Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology13
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Geriatrics13
Education: Theory and practice of education12
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases11
Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science: Computer software11
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electronics: Computer engineering. Computer hardware11
Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply10
Medicine: Pediatrics10
Agriculture: Plant culture9
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering: Information technology9
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Sports medicine8
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Telecommunication8
Medicine: Surgery: Anesthesiology7
Agriculture: Animal culture7
Science: Chemistry7
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry: Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system: Psychiatry: Therapeutics. Psychotherapy7
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor7
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system6
Medicine: Public aspects of medicine: Toxicology. Poisons6
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Immunologic diseases. Allergy6
Political science: Political institutions and public administration (General)5
Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry5
Education: Education (General)5
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Personnel management. Employment management5
Medicine: Gynecology and obstetrics5
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology5
Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling5
Agriculture: Agriculture (General)5
Medicine: Nursing5
Medicine: Internal medicine: Infectious and parasitic diseases5
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Recreation. Leisure: Sports5
Education: Special aspects of education5
Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology4
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Oceanography4
Science: Chemistry: Analytical chemistry4
Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines4
Science: Geology4
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Transportation engineering4
Science: Biology (General): Genetics4
Social Sciences: The family. Marriage. Woman: Women. Feminism4
Medicine: Therapeutics. Pharmacology4
Social Sciences: The family. Marriage. Woman4
Social Sciences: Social sciences (General)4
Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Communication. Mass media4
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the respiratory system3
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs3
Political science3
Medicine: Surgery: Orthopedic surgery3
Medicine: Dentistry3
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering: Applied mathematics. Quantitative methods3
Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy3
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering3
Technology: Chemical technology3
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering3
Technology: Ocean engineering3
Science: Botany: Plant ecology3
Technology: Manufactures: Production management. Operations management3
Medicine: Internal medicine: Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid3
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions3
Social Sciences: Transportation and communications3
Bibliography. Library science. Information resources3
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the digestive system. Gastroenterology2
Medicine: Surgery2
Science: Physics2
Technology: Photography2
Medicine: Medicine (General): Medical physics. Medical radiology. Nuclear medicine2
Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery: Renewable energy sources2
Naval Science2
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades: Energy industries. Energy policy. Fuel trade2
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management2
Technology: Hydraulic engineering: River, lake, and water-supply engineering (General)2
Science: Microbiology2
Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture2
Medicine: Other systems of medicine2
Science: Biology (General): Evolution2
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology2
Social Sciences: Finance2
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials1
Agriculture: Forestry1
Science: Physics: Heat: Thermodynamics1
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied mechanics1
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering1
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion1
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Religions. Mythology. Rationalism1
Science: Zoology1
Science: Physics: Geophysics. Cosmic physics1
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Geography (General)1
Bibliography. Library science. Information resources: Information resources (General)1
Technology: Building construction: Architectural engineering. Structural engineering of buildings1
Science: Physiology1
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Business communication. Including business report writing, business correspondence1
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Marketing. Distribution of products1
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Economic growth, development, planning1
Social Sciences: Economic history and conditions1
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering geology. Rock mechanics. Soil mechanics. Underground construction1
Science: Physiology: Neurophysiology and neuropsychology1
Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: City planning1
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping1
Science: Mathematics: Analysis1
Social Sciences: Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform1
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class: Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand1
Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography1
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering design1
The category Social Sciences 133 is the most commonly referenced area in studies that cite this article. The first research to cite this article was titled Predisposing, Enabling and Pregnancy-Related Determinants of Late Initiation of Prenatal Care and was published in 2010. The most recent citation comes from a 2024 study titled Treatments and Outcomes Among Patients with Sydenham Chorea. This article reached its peak citation in 2022, with 77 citations. It has been cited in 418 different journals, 16% of which are open access. Among related journals, the PLOS ONE cited this research the most, with 20 citations. The chart below illustrates the annual citation trends for this article.
Citations used this article by year