IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Impact of Immersive Virtual Reality Content Using 360-Degree Videos in Undergraduate Education2022/02/011
Improving Spatial Visualization and Mental Rotation Using FORSpatial Through Shapes and Letters in Virtual Environment2022/06/011
Are You Still There? An Exploratory Case Study on Estimating Students’ LMS Online Time by Combining Log Files and Screen Recordings2022/02/011
Effective and Efficient Strategies and Their Technological Implementations to Reduce Plagiarism and Collusion in Nonproctored Online Exams2022/02/011
Predicting Student Performance in Future Exams via Neutrosophic Cognitive Diagnosis in Personalized E-Learning Environment2023/10/011
Robobo SmartCity: An Autonomous Driving Model for Computational Intelligence Learning Through Educational Robotics2023/08/011
Inspecting Technology-Related Quality of Teaching Artifacts to Understand Teachers' Technology Adoption2023/12/011
Capturing Movement: A Tablet App, Geometry Touch, for Recording Onscreen Finger-Based Gesture Data2024/01/011
Humor and Fear Appeals in Animated Pedagogical Agents: An Evaluation in Aviation Safety Education2020/01/011
Design and Implementation Issues for Modern Remote Laboratories2011/04/011
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies2022/12/01
PERKC: Personalized kNN With CPT for Course Recommendations in Higher Education2024/01/01
When the Past != The Future: Assessing the Impact of Dataset Drift on the Fairness of Learning Analytics Models2024/01/01
Improving Sensor-Free Affect Detection by Considering Students' Personality Traits2024/01/01
Analytic Study for Predictor Development on Student Participation in Generic Competence Development Activities Based on Academic Performance2023/10/01
The Effects of the Badminton Teaching-Assisted System Using Electromyography and Gyroscope on Learners' Badminton Skills2023/10/01
Heterogeneity in Extended Reality Influences Procedural Knowledge Gain and Operation Training2023/12/01
Students' Online Laboratory Work Assessment Based on Learning Task Lists and Behavior Data2023/04/01
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Publication Information2022/06/01
IEEE Education Society Information2023/10/01
Front Cover2023/10/01
A System to Structure, Measure, and Improve Student Development2023/12/01
A Study on the Adoption of Virtual Reality in Industrial Design Education2023/12/01
Supporting Teachers’ Professional Development With Generative AI: The Effects on Higher Order Thinking and Self-Efficacy2024/01/01
Experimenting With Soft Robotics in Education: A Systematic Literature Review From 2006 to 20222024/01/01
Preserving Both Privacy and Utility in Learning Analytics2024/01/01
Scaffolding Computational Thinking with ChatGPT2024/01/01
Forecasting Gender in Open Education Competencies: A Machine Learning Approach2024/01/01
A Competition-Oriented Student Team Building Method2023/01/01
Cloud-Operated Open Literate Educational Resources: The Case of the MyBinder2024/01/01