International Review of Economics Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Teaching quality and academic research2016/09/01English5
Health economics in the UK: Capacity, constraints and comparisons to US health economists2013/01/01English5
Economics 101-ism and the Dunning-Kruger effect: Reducing overconfidence among introductory macroeconomics students2021/03/01English5
Students’ preferences for attributes of postgraduate economics modules: Evidence from a multi-profile best-worst scaling survey2017/01/01English5
The Art of Teaching Economics2004/01/01English5
Economics for a Higher Education2004/01/01English5
Teaching economics behind the global COVID-19 pandemic2021/03/01English4
Economics through film: Thinking like an economist2020/11/01English4
The Impact of Writing Assignments on Student Learning: Should Writing Assignments Be Structured or Unstructured?2009/01/01English4
A model to assess students’ social responsibility behavior within a classroom experiment2015/01/01English4
Reflections on the one-minute paper2015/09/01English4
Instructor attire and student performance: Evidence from an undergraduate industrial organization experiment2014/09/01English4
The construction of frameworks in learners’ thinking: Conceptual change and threshold concepts in economics2019/01/01English4
Recounting the role of emotions in learning economics: Using the Threshold Concepts Framework to explore affective dimensions of students’ learning2019/01/01English4
The impact of classroom demonstrations and online discussions on student achievement2015/09/01English4
Using Python and Google Colab to teach undergraduate microeconomic theory2021/11/01English4
Self-assessment of competencies of students and graduates participating in didactic projects – Case study2021/03/01English4
Teaching econometrics with data on coworker salaries and job satisfaction2020/06/01English4
Research-based instructional strategies in a flipped principles of microeconomics classroom2020/03/01English4
Evaluating the effect of online principles courses on long-term outcomes2018/05/01English4
Pluralism at work: Alumni assess an economics education2014/05/01English4
Locus of control, self-efficacy, and student performance in an introductory economics course2022/03/01English4
Is assessing learning outcomes a trade-off in experiential learning? Integrating field visit with managerial economics course2019/09/01English4
The value of a redesigned program and capstone course in economics2016/05/01English4
How to integrate economic analysis into classroom discussions of diversity?2017/05/01English4
How should economics curricula be evaluated?2014/05/01English3
Numerical simulations of competition in quantities2015/01/01English3
Virtual Learning Environments: Linking participation to evaluation2015/05/01English3
University students, economics education, and self-interest. A systematic literature review2023/06/01English3
A model to teach non-rival and excludable goods in undergraduate microeconomics2017/01/01English3