Journal for Research in Mathematics Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Spatial Visualization and Gender Differences in High School Geometry1990/01/01122
Conceptual Bases of Arithmetic Errors: The Case of Decimal Fractions1989/01/01121
Young Children's Concepts of Shape1999/03/01120
Characterizing the van Hiele Levels of Development in Geometry1986/01/01119
Subject-Matter Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Prospective Secondary Teachers and the Function Concept1993/03/01117
Children's Conceptual Structures for Multidigit Numbers and Methods of Multidigit Addition and Subtraction1997/03/01116
Initial Fraction Learning by Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Students: A Comparison of the Effects of Using Commercial Curricula with the Effects of Using the Rational Number Project Curriculum2002/03/01114
Proof Frames of Preservice Elementary Teachers1989/01/01111
Reflective Discourse and Collective Reflection1997/05/01110
Race-Ethnicity, SES, Gender, and Language Proficiency Trends in Mathematics Achievement: An Update1997/12/01109
Benefits for Women and Men of Inquiry-Based Learning in College Mathematics: A Multi-Institution Study2014/07/01109
Algebra Word Problem Solutions: Thought Processes Underlying a Common Misconception1982/01/01108
Expert and Novice Approaches to Reading Mathematical Proofs2012/07/01108
The Development of Children's Algebraic Thinking: The Impact of a Comprehensive Early Algebra Intervention in Third Grade2015/01/01107
Comprehension of Mathematical Relationships Expressed in Graphs1987/11/01107
Confounding Whole-Number and Fraction Concepts When Building on Informal Knowledge1995/11/01107
Understanding Learning Systems: Mathematics Education and Complexity Science2003/03/01English107
Learning Mathematics in a Classroom Community of Inquiry2004/07/01English106
Order and Equivalence of Rational Numbers: A Clinical Teaching Experiment1984/11/01105
The Effect of Semantic Structure on First Graders' Strategies for Solving Addition and Subtraction Word Problems1987/11/01105
The Constructivist Researcher as Teacher and Model Builder1983/03/01104
Relationships between Research and the NCTM Standards1999/01/01101
Learning from Teaching: Exploring the Relationship between Reform Curriculum and Equity2002/07/0199
The Nature, Effects, and Relief of Mathematics Anxiety1990/01/0199
Children's Problem Posing within Formal and Informal Contexts1998/01/0198
Posing Mathematical Problems: An Exploratory Study1996/05/0196
Assessing Students' Theories of Success in Mathematics: Individual and Classroom Differences1990/03/0196
Prospective Elementary Teachers' Knowledge of Division1993/05/0195
The Development of the Idea of Mathematical Proof: A 5-Year Case Study1996/03/0195
Musings about Mathematical Problem-Solving Research: 1970-19941994/12/0195