Educational Psychologist

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Children's Metacognition About Reading: issues in Definition, Measurement, and Instruction1987/06/01English185
Disciplinary Literacies and Learning to Read for Understanding: A Conceptual Framework for Disciplinary Literacy2016/04/02English184
Reading motivation: A domain-specific approach to motivation1997/03/01English183
Contributions of Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction to Knowledge About Interventions for Motivations in Reading2007/09/01English180
Teacher as imperfect test: Reconceptualizing the referral process1984/06/01English179
Defining and Measuring Engagement and Learning in Science: Conceptual, Theoretical, Methodological, and Analytical Issues2015/01/02English177
Encouraging Mindful Use of Prior Knowledge: Attempting to Construct Explanatory Answers Facilitates Learning1992/01/01English176
Metacognition: Answered and Unanswered Questions1989/03/01English176
The Public's Bounded Understanding of Science2014/04/03English176
Measuring Cognitive Engagement With Self-Report Scales: Reflections From Over 20 Years of Research2015/01/02English175
Research on Motivation in Collaborative Learning: Moving Beyond the Cognitive–Situative Divide and Combining Individual and Social Processes2010/01/21English174
Design-Based Research Methods for Studying Learning in Context: Introduction2004/09/01English174
Motivational Perspectives on Student Cheating: Toward an Integrated Model of Academic Dishonesty2006/09/01English174
On understanding the nature of scientific knowledge1993/06/01English174
Home and family influences on motivations for reading1997/03/01English172
Self- and Social Regulation in Learning Contexts: An Integrative Perspective2009/10/28English172
Vygotsky and identity formation: A sociocultural approach1995/03/01English169
Why Minimally Guided Teaching Techniques Do Not Work: A Reply to Commentaries2007/04/26English167
Facilitating Elaborative Learning Through Guided Student-Generated Questioning1992/01/01English163
Enhancing Student Motivation: A Schoolwide Approach1991/06/01English163
Problem-Based LearningisCompatible with Human Cognitive Architecture: Commentary on Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006)2007/04/26English163
Executive Function and Reading Comprehension: A Meta-Analytic Review2017/04/17English162
Learning Through Case Comparisons: A Meta-Analytic Review2013/04/01English162
Seven Affordances of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: How to Support Collaborative Learning? How Can Technologies Help?2016/04/02English159
Constructivist, Problem-Based Learning Does Work: A Meta-Analysis of Curricular Comparisons Involving a Single Medical School2009/10/28English158
Argumentation for Learning: Well-Trodden Paths and Unexplored Territories2016/04/02English157
Black and Belonging at School: A Case for Interpersonal, Instructional, and Institutional Opportunity Structures2018/02/08English155
Toward a model of the value aspects of motivation in education: Developing appreciation for..1999/03/01English153
Modeling Epistemic and Ontological Cognition: Philosophical Perspectives and Methodological Directions2008/07/29English150
Friends' influence on students' adjustment to school1999/01/01English149