Educational Psychologist

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Comparison between self-concept and self-efficacy in academic motivation research1999/06/01English257
Explaining the Epistemological Belief System: Introducing the Embedded Systemic Model and Coordinated Research Approach2004/01/01English254
Assesing the effects of context in studies of child and youth development1999/01/01English253
Expanding the Dimensions of Epistemic Cognition: Arguments From Philosophy and Psychology2011/07/01English252
A Revised Writer(s)-Within-Community Model of Writing2018/10/02English248
Supporting Autonomy in the Classroom: Ways Teachers Encourage Student Decision Making and Ownership2004/06/01English245
Self-Regulated Learning: The Educational Legacy of Paul R. Pintrich2005/04/01English244
The role of the future in student motivation1999/03/01English241
Do Self-Concept Interventions Make a Difference? A Synergistic Blend of Construct Validation and Meta-Analysis2006/09/01English240
Interest, Learning, and Motivation1991/06/01English237
Toward a Script Theory of Guidance in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning2013/01/01English227
Influences on classroom interest1999/03/01English225
Constructivist, emergent, and sociocultural perspectives in the context of developmental research1996/06/01English220
The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in Self-Regulated Learning2007/07/27English215
Cognitive Processing of Self-Report Items in Educational Research: Do They Think What We Mean?2007/07/27English215
Improving Measurements of Self-Regulated Learning2010/10/25English212
On Teaching Adaptively2008/07/29English210
A Perfect Time for Data Use: Using Data-Driven Decision Making to Inform Practice2012/04/01English204
Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Toward SEL in Service of Educational Equity and Excellence2019/07/03English202
Examining Productive Failure, Productive Success, Unproductive Failure, and Unproductive Success in Learning2016/04/02English199
Self-regulation involves more than metacognition: A social cognitive perspective1995/09/01English199
Addressing Challenges to Public Understanding of Science: Epistemic Cognition, Motivated Reasoning, and Conceptual Change2014/04/03English197
The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in the Comprehension of Multiple Expository Texts: Toward an Integrated Model2011/01/26English196
Beyond Amplification: Using the computer to Reorganize Mental Functioning1985/09/01English195
Goal Theorists Should Move on From Performance Goals2005/09/01English194
Math Anxiety: Past Research, Promising Interventions, and a New Interpretation Framework2018/04/11English194
Causal ordering of academic self-concept and achievement: Reanalysis of a pioneering study and...1999/06/01English194
Work in Mathematics Classes: The Context of Students' Thinking During Instruction1988/03/01English191
Does Working Memory Training Transfer? A Meta-Analysis Including Training Conditions as Moderators2015/04/03English188
The Role of Dialogue in Providing Scaffolded Instruction1986/01/01English186