
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The effects of multimodality on L2 learners: Implications for CALL resource design2008/03/01English67
Do well-being and resilience predict the Foreign Language Teaching Enjoyment of teachers of Italian?2021/07/01English67
The predictive effects of classroom environment and trait emotional intelligence on Foreign Language Enjoyment and Anxiety2021/02/01English67
Vocabulary profiles as predictors of the academic performance of Teaching English as a Second Language trainees2004/03/01English67
A systematic review of language learner strategy research in the face of self-regulation2018/02/01English66
The listener: No longer the silent partner in reduced intelligibility2008/03/01English66
The analysis of Toulmin elements in Chinese EFL university argumentative writing2010/09/01English66
Phantom word activation in L22008/03/01English65
Intentions and realities in implementing communicative curriculum reform2009/06/01English65
Recognition of high frequency words from speech as a predictor of L2 listening comprehension2015/08/01English65
EFL learners' anxiety level and their beliefs about corrective feedback in oral communication classes2014/02/01English65
Benefits of mobile instant messaging to develop ESL writing2016/11/01English64
Intrinsic motivation and young language learners: the impact of the classroom environment2003/12/01English64
The twenty-first century landscape of language learning strategies: Introduction to this special issue2014/04/01English64
The language of instruction dilemma in the Turkish context2008/06/01English63
A structural model for perceptual learning styles, the ideal L2 self, motivated behavior, and English proficiency2014/10/01English63
Global Englishes and English Language Teaching (ELT) – Bridging the gap between theory and practice in a Japanese context2013/09/01English62
The impact of learning contexts on proficiency, attitudes, and L2 communication: Creating an imagined international community2008/12/01English62
The role of task repetition in L2 performance development: What needs to be repeated during task-based interaction?2013/09/01English62
Beyond the accusation of plagiarism2008/09/01English62
The roles of multimodal pedagogic effects and classroom environment in willingness to communicate in English2019/06/01English61
What makes students click: working memory and look-up behavior2004/12/01English61
Computer-based training for learning English vowel contrasts2004/12/01English61
Collaborative writing in pairs and small groups: Learners' attitudes and perceptions2013/06/01English61
Understanding changes in Chinese students’ uses of learning strategies in China and Britain: A socio-cultural re-interpretation2006/03/01English60
Modeling the contribution of resilience, well-being, and L2 grit to foreign language teaching enjoyment among Iranian English language teachers2022/10/01English60
Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: How formative assessment supports students' self-regulation in English language learning2019/04/01English60
The practice of policy: Teacher attitudes toward “English only”2011/06/01English60
Text-based peer–peer collaborative dialogue in a computer-mediated learning environment in the EFL context2009/09/01English59
Foreign language listening anxiety and listening performance: Conceptualizations and causal relationships2013/03/01English59