
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Analyzing the effect of context of second language learning: Domestic intensive and semi-intensive courses vs. study abroad in Europe2011/06/01English58
Multimodal composing as a learning activity in English classrooms: Inquiring into the sources of its motivational capacity2016/07/01English58
Mediating and being mediated: Learner beliefs and learner engagement with written corrective feedback2017/10/01English58
Bringing the outside in: Connecting students’ out-of-school knowledge and experience through translanguaging in Hong Kong English Medium Instruction mathematics classes2020/12/01English58
Written corrective feedback from an ecological perspective: The interaction between the context and individual learners2019/02/01English57
Investigating the dynamic nature of L2 willingness to communicate2015/06/01English57
Impact of peer coaching on self-efficacy and instructional skills in TEFL teacher education2006/06/01English57
The relationship between Iranian EFL teachers’ emotional intelligence and their self-efficacy in Language Institutes2009/12/01English57
Pragmatic learning and study abroad: Effects of instruction and length of stay2015/02/01English57
Pre-service teachers' changing beliefs in the teaching practicum: Three cases in an EFL context2014/06/01English57
Exploring non-native English-speaking teachers' cognitions about corrective feedback in teaching English oral communication2015/12/01English56
A tale of tweets: Analyzing microblogging among language learners2012/03/01English55
The effects of instruction on learners’ production of appropriate and accurate suggestions2005/09/01English55
Creating opportunities for L2 learning in a prediction activity2017/11/01English55
Good practices in team teaching in Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong2006/09/01English55
Concept mapping as pre-task planning: A case study of three Japanese ESL writers2006/12/01English54
Making CALL work: Towards normalisation2006/12/01English54
Affect in a self-regulatory framework for language learning2010/09/01English54
A longitudinal investigation of parental social-economic status (SES) and young students’ learning of English as a foreign language2018/04/01English53
Exploring Chinese students' strategy use in a cooperative peer feedback writing group2016/06/01English53
Helping teachers become better English students: Causes, effects, and coping strategies for foreign language listening anxiety2009/12/01English52
A mixed-methods cross-cultural study of teacher care and teacher-student rapport in Iranian and Polish University students’ engagement in pursuing academic goals in an L2 context2022/06/01English52
To talk or not to talk: A review of situational antecedents of willingness to communicate in the second language classroom2018/02/01English52
Language learning strategy research in System: Looking back and looking forward2019/08/01English52
Metadiscourse in results and discussion chapters: A cross-linguistic analysis of English and Spanish thesis writers in engineering2014/10/01English52
Understanding Chinese learners' willingness to communicate in a New Zealand ESL classroom: A multiple case study drawing on the theory of planned behavior2013/09/01English51
Morphological awareness and reading comprehension in a foreign language: A study of young Chinese EFL learners2013/12/01English51
Exploring L2 grit in the Chinese EFL context2020/10/01English51
Trait emotional intelligence, positive and negative emotions in first and foreign language classes: A mixed-methods approach2020/11/01English51
Professional development through action research: Impact on self-efficacy2014/06/01English51