
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Language teachers’ coping strategies during the Covid-19 conversion to online teaching: Correlations with stress, wellbeing and negative emotions2020/11/01English379
The effects of focused and unfocused written corrective feedback in an English as a foreign language context2008/09/01English254
L2 motivation research 2005–2014: Understanding a publication surge and a changing landscape2015/12/01English245
Dynamic emergence of situational willingness to communicate in a second language2005/06/01English240
Exploring measures and perceptions of fluency in the speech of second language learners2004/06/01English233
The L2 motivational self system, L2 anxiety, and motivated behavior: A structural equation modeling approach2010/09/01English202
Interactional context and willingness to communicate: A comparison of behavior in whole class, group and dyadic interaction2006/12/01English201
How unique is the foreign language classroom enjoyment and anxiety of Chinese EFL learners?2019/06/01English199
Exploring tensions between teachers’ grammar teaching beliefs and practices2009/09/01English197
Emotion regulation and psychological well-being in teacher work engagement: A case of British and Iranian English language teachers2021/04/01English196
Understanding Chinese high school students’ Foreign Language Enjoyment: Validation of the Chinese version of the Foreign Language Enjoyment scale2018/08/01English195
The impact of in-service teacher education on language teachers’ beliefs2011/09/01English184
Training students to become successful peer reviewers2005/06/01English169
Review of research into the correspondence between language teachers' stated beliefs and practices2012/06/01English164
Listening comprehension: The learners’ perspective2006/06/01English154
Principles of instructed language learning2005/06/01English150
Reflections on reflection: A critical appraisal of reflective practices in L2 teacher education2007/06/01English146
Boredom in online classes in the Iranian EFL context: Sources and solutions2021/10/01English144
Integrative motivation in a globalizing world2004/03/01English143
The functional load principle in ESL pronunciation instruction: An exploratory study2006/12/01English140
Remote teaching during COVID-19: Implications from a national survey of language educators2021/04/01English140
Anxiety and predictors of performance in the foreign language classroom2004/03/01English135
On the effects of instruction in second language pragmatics2005/09/01English133
Investigating situational willingness to communicate within second language classrooms from an ecological perspective2011/12/01English133
The relationship between language learning strategies, proficiency, age and self-efficacy beliefs: A study of language learners in Botswana2007/09/01English133
Differential effects of focused and unfocused written correction on the accurate use of grammatical forms by adult ESL learners2009/12/01English129
The comparative analysis of motivation, attitudes and selves: The case of English and German in Hungary2010/03/01English127
Anxiety in Chinese EFL students at different proficiency levels2006/09/01English126
College English writing affect: Self-efficacy and anxiety2011/12/01English124
Is CLIL so beneficial, or just selective? Re-evaluating some of the research2011/12/01English116