ELT Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Online peer review: an alternative to face-to-face?2001/07/01English55
Integrating feedback and reflection in teacher preparation2008/01/01English55
English-for-Teaching: rethinking teacher proficiency in the classroom2015/02/03English55
Target-language culture in EFL materials1993/04/01English54
Challenges for ELT from the expansion in teaching children2003/04/01English54
An agenda for well-being in ELT: an ecological perspective2021/01/01English54
English as a medium of instruction: students’ strategies2017/04/24English54
Using listening journals to raise awareness of Global Englishes in ELT2014/05/26English54
Activity-induced boredom in online EFL classes2021/11/23English53
Plagiarism and overseas students: stereotypes again?2006/01/01English53
Developing students’ awareness of Global Englishes2018/07/03English53
Four good reasons to use literature in primary school ELT2002/04/01English53
Ethnocentrism in TESOL: Teacher education and the neglected needs of international TESOL students1998/01/01English53
Self-perception and practice in teaching grammar2001/01/01English53
Native and non-native: what can they offer? Lessons from team-teaching in Japan2000/01/01English52
Vocabulary notebooks: theoretical underpinnings and practical suggestions1995/04/01English52
Classroom interaction: possibilities and impossibilities1996/01/01English52
The use of the mother tongue in the classroom1992/10/01English51
Implementing task-based learning with young learners2002/10/01English51
Language teacher action research: achieving sustainability: table 12015/10/27English51
The effect of extensive listening on developing L2 listening fluency: some hard evidence2013/09/24English51
Reflective feedback sessions using video recordings2012/12/20English50
Helping language learners think about learning1986/01/01English50
Task-based interaction1999/07/01English50
Blended learning2010/07/14English49
Why are students quiet? Looking at the Chinese context and beyond2009/08/28English49
Design decisions on the cultural content of a secondary English course for Morocco1990/01/01English48
Wearing two pairs of shoes: language teaching in Japan2004/04/01English48
Authenticity revisited: text authenticity and learner authenticity1995/10/01English48
Some misconceptions about communicative language teaching1996/01/01English47