Mechanisms of Salinity Tolerance

Article Properties
Munns, Rana, and Mark Tester. “Mechanisms of Salinity Tolerance”. Annual Review of Plant Biology, vol. 59, no. 1, 2008, pp. 651-8,
Munns, R., & Tester, M. (2008). Mechanisms of Salinity Tolerance. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 59(1), 651-681.
Munns R, Tester M. Mechanisms of Salinity Tolerance. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 2008;59(1):651-8.
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Effects of external NaCl on the growth of Atriplex amnicola and the ion relations and carbohydrate status of the leaves Plant, Cell & Environment
  • Science: Zoology
  • Science: Botany
  • Science: Botany: Plant ecology
  • Agriculture: Plant culture
  • Agriculture: Animal culture
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10.1007/0-306-48155-3_9 2002
10.1007/0-306-48155-3_9 2004
10.1007/0-306-48155-3_9 International Review of Cytology 2000
10.1007/0-306-48155-3_9 2000
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Salt and heavy metal stress responses and metal uptake potentials of some leafy vegetables

Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment
  • Agriculture
  • Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences
  • Agriculture: Plant culture
Quinoa growth and yield performance under salinity stress in arid West Texas

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  • Agriculture
  • Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences
  • Agriculture: Plant culture
How do non‐halophyte locust trees thrive in temperate coastal regions: A study of salinity and multiple environmental factors on water uptake patterns

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  • Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
  • Science: Biology (General): Ecology
  • Technology: Hydraulic engineering: River, lake, and water-supply engineering (General)
Salinity inhibits seed germination and embryo growth by reducing starch mobilization efficiency in barley

Plant Direct
  • Science: Botany
  • Agriculture: Plant culture
  • Agriculture: Animal culture
  • Science: Botany: Plant ecology
1 2024
The osmotic potential of soil solutions in salt tolerance studies: Following M. Th. van Genuchten's innovation

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  • Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences
  • Science: Geology
  • Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences
  • Science
  • Technology: Hydraulic engineering: River, lake, and water-supply engineering (General)
  • Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
  • Science: Biology (General): Ecology
1 2024
Citations Analysis
Category Category Repetition
Agriculture: Plant culture4,486
Science: Botany: Plant ecology3,877
Agriculture: Animal culture3,286
Science: Botany1,447
Agriculture: Agriculture (General)1,396
Science: Zoology1,124
Science: Biology (General)1,092
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences646
Science: Biology (General): Ecology643
Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering552
Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry383
Science: Chemistry367
Science: Science (General)333
Science: Biology (General): Genetics306
Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy269
Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology259
Science: Biology (General): Cytology143
Science: Microbiology129
Agriculture: Forestry124
Technology: Hydraulic engineering: River, lake, and water-supply engineering (General)116
Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture102
Science: Chemistry: Analytical chemistry98
Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery: Renewable energy sources60
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Oceanography59
Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling48
Science: Geology48
Science: Physics43
Medicine: Public aspects of medicine: Toxicology. Poisons42
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)41
Technology: Chemical technology41
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering36
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials31
Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply31
Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution25
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades: Energy industries. Energy policy. Fuel trade23
Medicine: Therapeutics. Pharmacology21
Science: Chemistry: Physical and theoretical chemistry19
Science: Biology (General): Evolution18
Medicine: Medicine (General)18
Technology: Chemical technology: Polymers and polymer manufacture17
Science: Physiology14
Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry14
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Industrial medicine. Industrial hygiene14
Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering12
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering10
Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science9
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Geography (General)7
Science: Physics: Meteorology. Climatology7
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology7
Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: City planning6
Medicine: Public aspects of medicine5
Science: Physics: Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity5
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electric apparatus and materials. Electric circuits. Electric networks5
Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines5
Medicine: Medicine (General): Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics5
Technology: Photography4
Science: Natural history (General): General. Including nature conservation, geographical distribution4
Medicine: Medicine (General): Medical technology4
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Nuclear engineering. Atomic power4
Social Sciences4
Science: Chemistry: Inorganic chemistry4
Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Water supply for domestic and industrial purposes4
Science: Physics: Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter3
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Physical geography3
Technology: Mining engineering. Metallurgy3
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades3
Science: Physics: Geophysics. Cosmic physics2
Technology: Chemical technology: Textile bleaching, dyeing, printing, etc.2
Science: Mathematics2
Medicine: Pharmacy and materia medica2
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases1
Law: Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence: Comparative law. International uniform law: Environmental law1
Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: Urbanization. City and country1
Medicine: Medicine (General): Medical physics. Medical radiology. Nuclear medicine1
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electronics1
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Engineering geology. Rock mechanics. Soil mechanics. Underground construction1
Political science1
Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science1
Social Sciences: Sociology (General)1
Science: Natural history (General): Microscopy1
Science: Biology (General): Life1
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Immunologic diseases. Allergy1
Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine1
Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. Mathematical statistics1
Science: Science (General): Cybernetics: Information theory1
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry1
Medicine: Internal medicine: Infectious and parasitic diseases1
Technology: Chemical technology: Fuel1
The category Agriculture: Plant culture 4,486 is the most commonly referenced area in studies that cite this article. The first research to cite this article was titled Proteomic analysis of Korean ginseng(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) following exposure to salt stress and was published in 2008. The most recent citation comes from a 2024 study titled Generation of selenium-rich wheat mutants and exploration of responsive genes for selenium accumulation. This article reached its peak citation in 2022, with 873 citations. It has been cited in 934 different journals, 25% of which are open access. Among related journals, the Frontiers in Plant Science cited this research the most, with 448 citations. The chart below illustrates the annual citation trends for this article.
Citations used this article by year