The Narrative Construction of Reality

Article Properties
Bruner, Jerome. “The Narrative Construction of Reality”. Critical Inquiry, vol. 18, no. 1, 1991, pp. 1-21,
Bruner, J. (1991). The Narrative Construction of Reality. Critical Inquiry, 18(1), 1-21.
Bruner J. The Narrative Construction of Reality. Critical Inquiry. 1991;18(1):1-21.
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Mobilization of shared victimhood in the radical right populist Finns Party supporters’ identity work: A narrative–discursive approach to populist support

European Journal of Social Psychology
  • Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Psychology
  • Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Psychology
  • Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry: Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system: Psychiatry
Opening the Door: Rethinking “Difficult Conversations” about Living and Dying with Dementia

Hastings Center Report
  • Medicine: Medicine (General): Medical technology
  • Medicine: Medicine (General): Medical philosophy. Medical ethics
  • Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Ethics
  • Medicine: Public aspects of medicine
  • Medicine: Public aspects of medicine
  • Social Sciences
2 2024
The narrative teacher: Narrative nonfiction as a teaching tool in the primary history classroom

Review of Education
  • Education: Theory and practice of education
Children’s Thoughts on Wonder in Fairy Tales

Children's Literature in Education
  • Language and Literature
Alternate realities in interactive digital narratives – understanding and improving design and prosocial effects through empirical methods

Multimedia Tools and Applications
  • Science: Science (General): Cybernetics: Information theory
  • Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science: Computer software
  • Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electric apparatus and materials. Electric circuits. Electric networks
  • Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science: Computer software
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electronics: Computer engineering. Computer hardware
  • Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science
Citations Analysis
Category Category Repetition
Social Sciences585
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Psychology271
Education: Theory and practice of education238
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry: Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system: Psychiatry192
Social Sciences: Sociology (General)184
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business158
Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Communication. Mass media148
Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science145
Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics133
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Personnel management. Employment management113
Medicine: Public aspects of medicine90
Social Sciences: Social sciences (General)75
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences64
Language and Literature49
Medicine: Medicine (General)45
Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science43
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management40
Political science39
Political science: Political institutions and public administration (General)38
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry: Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system: Psychiatry: Therapeutics. Psychotherapy36
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Industrial medicine. Industrial hygiene36
Medicine: Nursing34
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology32
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Recreation. Leisure: Sports30
Bibliography. Library science. Information resources29
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor25
Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering25
Science: Biology (General): Ecology23
Education: Education (General)22
Political science: International relations21
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion20
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Philosophy (General)18
History (General) and history of Europe: History (General)18
Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology17
Science: Science (General): Cybernetics: Information theory17
Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science: Computer software17
Education: Special aspects of education17
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Sports medicine16
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Human ecology. Anthropogeography: Settlements: Cities. Urban geography16
Social Sciences: Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology16
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electronics: Computer engineering. Computer hardware16
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry16
Medicine: Medicine (General): Medical technology15
Social Sciences: Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform15
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation14
Social Sciences: The family. Marriage. Woman14
Bibliography. Library science. Information resources: Information resources (General)13
Social Sciences: The family. Marriage. Woman: Women. Feminism13
Language and Literature: Literature (General)12
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Ethics10
Social Sciences: Finance10
Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery: Renewable energy sources10
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electronics9
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Religions. Mythology. Rationalism9
Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology: City planning8
Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery8
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Geriatrics8
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Business communication. Including business report writing, business correspondence8
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Marketing. Distribution of products8
Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Communication. Mass media: Oral communication. Speech7
Science: Science (General)7
Fine Arts: Architecture7
Fine Arts7
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electric apparatus and materials. Electric circuits. Electric networks6
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)6
Science: Geology6
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology: Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology6
Medicine: Pediatrics5
Science: Physics: Meteorology. Climatology5
General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities5
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering: Information technology4
Science: Biology (General)4
Technology: Manufactures: Production management. Operations management4
Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography4
Medicine: Medicine (General): Medical philosophy. Medical ethics4
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Telecommunication3
Science: Physics3
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Geography (General)3
Medicine: Medicine (General): Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics3
Music and books on Music: Music3
Social Sciences: Social sciences and state - Asia (Asian studies only)3
Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply2
Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry2
Social Sciences: Statistics2
Medicine: Therapeutics. Pharmacology2
Medicine: Otorhinolaryngology2
Science: Mathematics2
Auxiliary sciences of history: Archaeology2
Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar: Style. Composition. Rhetoric2
Social Sciences: Commerce2
Medicine: Surgery: Orthopedic surgery2
Medicine: Internal medicine: Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid2
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions2
Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy2
Science: Chemistry2
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the musculoskeletal system2
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades: Energy industries. Energy policy. Fuel trade2
Medicine: Gynecology and obstetrics2
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering2
Language and Literature: Romanic languages2
Military Science2
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering1
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Mathematical geography. Cartography1
Technology: Hydraulic engineering: River, lake, and water-supply engineering (General)1
Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture1
Agriculture: Agriculture (General)1
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology: Physical anthropology. Somatology: Human evolution1
Science: Biology (General): Evolution1
Medicine: Public aspects of medicine: Toxicology. Poisons1
Medicine: Pharmacy and materia medica1
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering: Applied mathematics. Quantitative methods1
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping1
Science: Science (General): Cybernetics1
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Doctrinal Theology1
Fine Arts: Visual arts1
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering1
Law: Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence: Private international law. Conflict of laws: Social legislation1
Medicine: Surgery1
Medicine: Other systems of medicine1
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class: Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand1
General Works: Museums. Collectors and collecting1
Science: Biology (General): Genetics1
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens1
Language and Literature: Literature (General): Drama: Dramatic representation. The theater1
Language and Literature: German literature1
Language and Literature: English language1
Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Computational linguistics. Natural language processing1
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Oceanography1
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Practical Theology1
History (General) and history of Europe: History of Germany1
History (General) and history of Europe: History of France1
Language and Literature: English literature1
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Recreation. Leisure1
Fine Arts: Architecture: Architectural drawing and design1
Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar: Discourse analysis1
The category Social Sciences 585 is the most commonly referenced area in studies that cite this article. The first research to cite this article was titled La construcción de lo indecible: chisme, dato y etnografía en un contexto policial argentino and was published in 1970. The most recent citation comes from a 2024 study titled La Medicina Narrativa en la práctica y enseñanza médicas. This article reached its peak citation in 2019, with 147 citations. It has been cited in 1,116 different journals, 12% of which are open access. Among related journals, the Narrative Inquiry cited this research the most, with 19 citations. The chart below illustrates the annual citation trends for this article.
Citations used this article by year