Gene Ontology: tool for the unification of biology

Article Properties
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  • Journal
  • Indian UGC (journal)
  • Refrences
  • Citations
  • Michael Ashburner
  • Catherine A. Ball
  • Judith A. Blake
  • David Botstein
  • Heather Butler
  • J. Michael Cherry
  • Allan P. Davis
  • Kara Dolinski
  • Selina S. Dwight
  • Janan T. Eppig
  • Midori A. Harris
  • David P. Hill
  • Laurie Issel-Tarver
  • Andrew Kasarskis
  • Suzanna Lewis
  • John C. Matese
  • Joel E. Richardson
  • Martin Ringwald
  • Gerald M. Rubin
  • Gavin Sherlock
Ashburner, Michael, et al. “Gene Ontology: Tool for the Unification of Biology”. Nature Genetics, vol. 25, no. 1, 2000, pp. 25-29,
Ashburner, M., Ball, C. A., Blake, J. A., Botstein, D., Butler, H., Cherry, J. M., Davis, A. P., Dolinski, K., Dwight, S. S., Eppig, J. T., Harris, M. A., Hill, D. P., Issel-Tarver, L., Kasarskis, A., Lewis, S., Matese, J. C., Richardson, J. E., Ringwald, M., Rubin, G. M., & Sherlock, G. (2000). Gene Ontology: tool for the unification of biology. Nature Genetics, 25(1), 25-29.
Ashburner M, Ball CA, Blake JA, Botstein D, Butler H, Cherry JM, et al. Gene Ontology: tool for the unification of biology. Nature Genetics. 2000;25(1):25-9.
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Comparative Genomics of the Eukaryotes

  • Science: Science (General)
1,085 2000
The Genome Sequence of Drosophila melanogaster

  • Science: Science (General)
3,756 2000
The COG database: a tool for genome-scale analysis of protein functions and evolution Nucleic Acids Research
  • Science: Biology (General): Genetics
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
2,958 2000
DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) in collaboration with mass sequencing teams Nucleic Acids Research
  • Science: Biology (General): Genetics
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
21 2000
GXD: a Gene Expression Database for the laboratory mouse: current status and recent enhancements Nucleic Acids Research
  • Science: Biology (General): Genetics
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
14 2000
Refrences Analysis
The category Science: Biology (General) 56 is the most frequently represented among the references in this article. It primarily includes studies from Nucleic Acids Research The chart below illustrates the number of referenced publications per year.
Refrences used by this article by year
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Deletion of the transcription factors Hsf1, Msn2 and Msn4 in yeast uncovers transcriptional reprogramming in response to proteotoxic stress

FEBS Letters
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Physics
  • Science: Biology (General): Cytology
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
  • Science: Biology (General)
  • Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
Proteome‐based molecular subtyping and therapeutic target prediction in gastric cancer

Molecular Oncology
  • Medicine: Internal medicine: Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens
  • Science: Biology (General): Genetics
  • Medicine: Internal medicine: Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens
Inhibition of NFAT5‐Dependent Astrocyte Swelling Alleviates Neuropathic Pain

Advanced Science
  • Science
  • Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy
  • Technology: Chemical technology
  • Science: Chemistry
  • Technology: Chemical technology
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
  • Science: Physics
Large‐Scale Proteome Profiling Identifies Biomarkers Associated with Suspected Neurosyphilis Diagnosis

Advanced Science
  • Science
  • Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy
  • Technology: Chemical technology
  • Science: Chemistry
  • Technology: Chemical technology
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
  • Science: Physics
m6A Methylated Long Noncoding RNA LOC339803 Regulates Intestinal Inflammatory Response

Advanced Science
  • Science
  • Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy
  • Technology: Chemical technology
  • Science: Chemistry
  • Technology: Chemical technology
  • Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
  • Science: Physics
Citations Analysis
Category Category Repetition
Science: Biology (General)8,783
Science: Biology (General): Genetics5,772
Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry5,734
Science: Science (General)2,967
Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology2,896
Medicine: Medicine (General)2,762
Medicine: Medicine (General): Computer applications to medicine. Medical informatics2,762
Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science2,363
Agriculture: Plant culture2,112
Agriculture: Animal culture1,914
Science: Biology (General): Cytology1,632
Science: Botany: Plant ecology1,305
Science: Microbiology1,204
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens1,061
Science: Zoology808
Science: Botany755
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry742
Science: Chemistry729
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Immunologic diseases. Allergy685
Medicine: Medicine (General): Medical technology653
Medicine: Public aspects of medicine: Toxicology. Poisons612
Science: Chemistry: Analytical chemistry609
Medicine: Therapeutics. Pharmacology563
Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy531
Science: Biology (General): Evolution490
Science: Biology (General): Ecology459
Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering438
Agriculture: Agriculture (General)385
Science: Physics351
Medicine: Internal medicine: Infectious and parasitic diseases287
Science: Physiology287
Agriculture: Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling274
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Oceanography250
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology242
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system227
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences209
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry: Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system202
Medicine: Internal medicine190
Science: Science (General): Cybernetics: Information theory189
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs185
Agriculture: Animal culture: Veterinary medicine182
Science: Mathematics: Probabilities. Mathematical statistics180
Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery170
Technology: Chemical technology: Food processing and manufacture166
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry: Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system: Psychiatry166
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electronics166
Technology: Home economics: Nutrition. Foods and food supply164
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the respiratory system156
Medicine: Pathology147
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)138
Science: Mathematics136
Science: Biology (General): Reproduction132
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases121
Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science: Computer software112
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electronics: Computer engineering. Computer hardware105
Medicine: Surgery104
Medicine: Public aspects of medicine99
Medicine: Gynecology and obstetrics97
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the digestive system. Gastroenterology91
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials90
Medicine: Other systems of medicine87
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Geriatrics85
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Arctic medicine. Tropical medicine85
Social Sciences84
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology81
Technology: Chemical technology77
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Psychology76
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Industrial medicine. Industrial hygiene65
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Electric apparatus and materials. Electric circuits. Electric networks61
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering: Information technology61
Medicine: Medicine (General): Medical physics. Medical radiology. Nuclear medicine60
Agriculture: Forestry57
Medicine: Dermatology51
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the musculoskeletal system49
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Telecommunication45
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Environmental engineering42
Bibliography. Library science. Information resources42
Bibliography. Library science. Information resources: Information resources (General)41
Technology: Chemical technology: Polymers and polymer manufacture37
Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry37
Medicine: Dentistry36
Medicine: Surgery: Orthopedic surgery35
Science: Mathematics: Analysis34
Science: Chemistry: Physical and theoretical chemistry33
Medicine: Ophthalmology32
Medicine: Pediatrics29
Medicine: Internal medicine: Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid27
Technology: Chemical technology: Chemical engineering27
Science: Geology26
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering: Applied mathematics. Quantitative methods24
Science: Microbiology: Microbial ecology23
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Sports medicine21
Technology: Manufactures: Production management. Operations management21
Science: Natural history (General): General. Including nature conservation, geographical distribution21
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Special industries and trades: Energy industries. Energy policy. Fuel trade20
Agriculture: Animal culture: Cattle: Dairy processing. Dairy products20
Agriculture: Animal culture: Cattle: Dairying20
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering20
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Philosophy (General)19
Medicine: Surgery: Anesthesiology18
Science: Human anatomy16
Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions14
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Recreation. Leisure: Sports13
Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine12
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering12
Medicine: Pharmacy and materia medica11
Science: Physiology: Neurophysiology and neuropsychology10
Science: Physiology: Animal biochemistry10
Technology: Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering: Nuclear engineering. Atomic power9
Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines9
Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental pollution8
Social Sciences: Sociology (General)8
Medicine: Otorhinolaryngology7
Science: Chemistry: Crystallography7
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Geography (General)7
Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering: Management information systems7
Science: Astronomy: Astrophysics6
Technology: Chemical technology: Fuel5
Law: Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence: Comparative law. International uniform law: Medical legislation5
Technology: Hydraulic engineering: River, lake, and water-supply engineering (General)5
Education: Education (General)5
Science: Physics: Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter5
History (General) and history of Europe: History (General)5
Social Sciences: Finance5
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Ethics4
Science: Chemistry: Inorganic chemistry4
Science: Physics: Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity4
Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics4
Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery: Renewable energy sources3
Technology: Building construction: Architectural engineering. Structural engineering of buildings3
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Mechanics of engineering. Applied mechanics3
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business3
Social Sciences: Economic theory. Demography: Economics as a science3
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Accounting. Bookkeeping3
Science: Physics: Optics. Light2
Science: Science (General): Cybernetics2
Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Environmental effects of industries and plants2
Technology: Chemical technology: Fermentation industries. Beverages. Alcohol2
Social Sciences: Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform2
Science: Physics: Acoustics. Sound2
Naval Science: Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering2
Naval Science2
Technology: Ocean engineering2
Science: Physics: Meteorology. Climatology2
Science: Astronomy2
Science: Natural history (General): Microscopy2
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation2
Technology: Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics2
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Systems engineering2
Technology: Technology (General)2
Technology: Mining engineering. Metallurgy2
Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Labor. Work. Working class: Industrial hygiene. Industrial welfare2
Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Computational linguistics. Natural language processing2
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology2
Social Sciences: Statistics2
Social Sciences: Commerce: Business: Personnel management. Employment management2
Education: Theory and practice of education2
Education: Special aspects of education1
Law: Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence: Comparative law. International uniform law: Environmental law1
Technology: Chemical technology: Textile bleaching, dyeing, printing, etc.1
Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General): Applied optics. Photonics1
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology: Physical anthropology. Somatology1
Technology: Photography1
General Works1
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Logic1
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Mathematical geography. Cartography1
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Psychology: Consciousness. Cognition1
Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar1
Technology: Manufactures1
Science: Physics: Heat: Thermodynamics1
Science: Physics: Electricity and magnetism: Electricity: Plasma physics. Ionized gases1
Auxiliary sciences of history: Archaeology1
Medicine: Internal medicine: Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry: Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system: Psychiatry: Therapeutics. Psychotherapy1
Medicine: Other systems of medicine: Miscellaneous systems and treatments1
The category Science: Biology (General) 8,783 is the most commonly referenced area in studies that cite this article. The first research to cite this article was titled The Babel of Bioinformatics and was published in 2000. The most recent citation comes from a 2024 study titled A library of reporters of the global regulators of gene expression in Escherichia coli. This article reached its peak citation in 2022, with 2,283 citations. It has been cited in 2,797 different journals, 22% of which are open access. Among related journals, the PLOS ONE cited this research the most, with 1,053 citations. The chart below illustrates the annual citation trends for this article.
Citations used this article by year