History of Education Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Displacement of Black Educators Post-Brown: An Overview and Analysis2004/01/01English64
The Plural Worlds of Educational Research1989/01/0164
Epistemology for the Masses: The Origins of “The Scientific Method” in American Schools2005/01/01English62
Do Young Children Need Intellectual Stimulation? Experts' Advice to Parents, 1900-19851989/01/0139
The Mental Hygiene Movement, the Development of Personality and the School: The Medicalization of American Education1983/01/0139
African American Teachers in the South, 1890-1940: Powerlessness and the Ironies of Expectations and Protest1995/01/0138
The Origins of Progressive Education2001/01/01English38
Teaching Freedom: SNCC and the Creation of the Mississippi Freedom Schools1990/01/0135
Building the New Cambodia: Educational Destruction and Construction under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-19791998/01/0132
The Medicalization of Education: A Historiographic Synthesis2006/01/01English30
Entangled Pasts: Land-Grant Colleges and American Indian Dispossession2019/10/29English29
The Origins of Public Education: A Reassessment1976/01/0127
"Outthinking and Outflanking the Owners of the World": A Historiography of the African American Struggle for Education1988/01/0125
Brown-ing the American Textbook: History, Psychology, and the Origins of Modern Multiculturalism2004/01/01English21
Northern Foundations and the Shaping of Southern Black Rural Education, 1902-19351978/01/0120
The Ever Widening Circle: The Diffusion of Feminist Values from the Troy Female Seminary 1822-18721979/01/0120
Race, Meritocracy, and the American Academy during the Immediate Post-World War II Era1993/01/0119
Asian Americans in the History of Education: An Historiographical Essay2001/01/01English18
The Market Revolution and Disciplinary Power: Joseph Lancaster and the Psychology of the Early Classroom System1989/01/0118
The Development of Literacy in Russia and the USSR from the Tenth to the Twentieth Centuries1991/01/0118
Origins of the "Dropout Problem"1993/01/0118
"The Two Joes Meet. Joe College, Joe Veteran": The G. I. Bill, College Education, and Postwar American Culture1998/01/0117
"Let Us Live with Our Children": Kindergarten Movements in Germany and the United States, 1840-19141988/01/0117
Mass Culture and School Sports1974/01/0116
The Education of Engineers in America before the Morrill Act of 18621992/01/0115
Of Victorianism, Civilizationism, and Progressivism: The Educational Ideas of Anna Julia Cooper and W.E.B. Du Bois, 1892–19402007/11/01English15
The Paradox of Bureaucratization: New Views on Progressive Era Teachers and the Development of a Woman's Profession1999/01/0115
The School Achievement of Immigrant Children: 1900-19301974/01/0114
Beyond Politics: Community Civics and the Redefinition of Citizenship in the Progressive Era1997/01/0114
Mount Holyoke Students Encounter the Need for Life-Planning, 1837-18501979/01/0114