IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A predictor-corrector technique for visualizing unsteady flow1995/06/0173
Large datasets at a glance: combining textures and colors in scientific visualization1999/01/0171
Evaluation and design of filters using a Taylor series expansion1997/01/0164
Real time responsive animation with personality1995/03/0164
Perception of human motion with different geometric models1998/01/0163
Dynamic free-form deformations for animation synthesis1997/01/0163
Detection and visualization of closed streamlines in planar flows2001/01/0162
An algorithm for the medial axis transform of 3D polyhedral solids1996/03/0161
High-quality texture reconstruction from multiple scans2001/01/0160
Volume illustration: nonphotorealistic rendering of volume models2001/01/0159
Interactive ray tracing for volume visualization1999/01/0159
Adaptive real-time level-of-detail based rendering for polygonal models1997/01/0157
Conveying the 3D shape of smoothly curving transparent surfaces via texture1997/01/0154
Acquiring a radiance distribution to superimpose virtual objects onto a real scene1999/01/0153
Modeling, animating, and rendering complex scenes using volumetric textures1998/01/0152
Volume rendering of DCT-based compressed 3D scalar data1995/03/0152
Two-level volume rendering2001/01/0151
Speeding up isosurface extraction using interval trees1997/01/0151
Parameterization and reconstruction from 3D scattered points based on neural network and PDE techniques2001/01/0150
Shape description by medial surface construction1996/03/0149
Strategies for direct volume rendering of diffusion tensor fields2000/01/0149
Using line integral convolution for flow visualization: curvilinear grids, variable-speed animation, and unsteady flows1995/06/0147
Cutting and stitching: converting sets of polygons to manifold surfaces2001/01/0146
Quaternion frame approach to streamline visualization1995/06/0146
A level-set approach for the metamorphosis of solid models2001/01/0146
Visualization exploration and encapsulation via a spreadsheet-like interface2001/01/0144
Animation of deformable models using implicit surfaces1997/01/0144
D³ Data-Driven Documents2011/12/0144
Incremental algorithms for collision detection between polygonal models1997/01/0142
General construction of time-domain filters for orientation data2002/01/0141