Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
How teachers learn to maintain the cognitive demand of tasks through Lesson Study2019/01/09English24
Incorporating out-of-school mathematics: from cultural context to embedded practice2011/12/18English24
Opportunities for learning given to prospective mathematics teachers: between ritual and explorative instruction2015/07/04English24
From preschool teachers’ professional development to children’s knowledge: comparing sets2011/02/19English24
Providing written feedback on students’ mathematical arguments: proof validations of prospective secondary mathematics teachers2013/09/01English24
The organization of the mathematics preparation and development of teachers: a report from the ICMI Study 152010/01/01English24
Process reflection during Japanese lesson study experiences by prospective secondary mathematics teachers2010/08/28English23
Connecting changes in secondary mathematics teachers’ knowledge to their experiences in a professional development workshop2012/03/10English23
Confidence is Everything? ? Perspectives of Teachers and Students on Learning Mathematics2004/12/01English23
Understanding change through a high school mathematics teacher’s journey to inquiry-based teaching2010/10/07English23
Mathematical belief change in prospective primary teachers2008/08/12English22
Mathematics, lenses and videotapes: a framework and a language for developing reflective practices of teaching2017/08/21English22
Teachers, tasks, and tensions: lessons from a research–practice partnership2016/02/01English22
Developing mathematical knowledge for teaching in a methods course: the case of function2013/06/28English22
Supporting children’s mathematical understanding: professional development focused on out-of-school practices2011/05/22English22
The ongoing development of mathematics teachers’ knowledge and practice: considering possibilities, complexities, and measures of teacher learning2013/05/07English22
Where is the mathematics? Examining teachers’ mathematical learning opportunities in practice-based professional learning tasks2007/10/16English22
Classroom observation and mathematics education research2019/09/14English22
Academic mathematics and mathematical knowledge needed in school teaching practice: some conflicting elements2007/12/04English22
Developing teachers’ knowledge of students as learners of mathematics through structured interviews2009/11/12English22
Mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers: knowledge used and developed by mathematics teacher educators in learning to teach via problem solving2017/10/27English21
The effect of teacher education programs on future elementary mathematics teachers’ knowledge: a five-country analysis using TEDS-M data2015/01/10English21
Research mathematicians as teacher educators: focusing on mathematics for secondary mathematics teachers2017/12/02English21
The role of subject knowledge in primary prospective teachers’ approaches to teaching the topic of area2011/10/19English21
Qualified Pedagogical Reflection as a Way to Improve Mathematics Education2006/04/01English21
Developing prospective elementary teachers’ abilities to identify evidence of student mathematical achievement2010/02/11English20
Promoting student collaboration in a detracked, heterogeneous secondary mathematics classroom2008/03/26English20
Knowledge growth of mathematics teachers during professional activity based on the task of lesson explaining2007/11/01English20
Effective mathematics teaching in Finnish and Swedish teacher education discourses2014/12/06English20
Designing and implementing authentic investigative proportional reasoning tasks: the impact on pre-service mathematics teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge and attitudes2007/11/28English20