Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
“This is the First Time I’ve Done This”: Exploring secondary prospective mathematics teachers’ noticing of students’ mathematical thinking2016/09/02English28
Making sense of double number lines in professional development: exploring teachers’ understandings of proportional relationships2012/05/19English28
Working at the intersection of teacher knowledge, teacher beliefs, and teaching practice: a multiple-case study2015/09/16English27
Connecting Teacher Beliefs to the Use of Children?s Literature in the Teaching of Mathematics2004/12/01English27
Video tagging as a window into teacher noticing2019/03/08English27
Mathematical content knowledge and knowledge for teaching: exploring their distinguishability and contribution to student learning2019/08/12English27
Examining the task and knowledge demands needed to teach with representations2013/10/20English27
The development of beginning mathematics teacher pedagogical content knowledge2013/07/10English27
Posing mathematically worthwhile problems: developing the problem-posing skills of prospective teachers2019/01/28English27
A Framework for Analysis of Teachers’ Geometric Content Knowledge and Geometric Knowledge for Teaching2005/06/01English27
The nature and development of middle school mathematics teachers’ knowledge2011/02/25English27
Professional mathematics teacher identity: analysis of reflective narratives from discourses and activities2012/04/10English27
Improving the judgment of task difficulties: prospective teachers’ diagnostic competence in the area of functions and graphs2017/04/09English27
Preservice Teachers Understanding of the Mean: Moving Beyond the Arithmetic Average2006/06/03English26
Mathematical-task knowledge for teaching2013/01/11English26
Upper primary school teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching functional thinking in algebra2013/09/15English26
Developing understanding of mathematical modeling in secondary teacher preparation2015/06/29English26
Professional learning through the collaborative design of problem-solving lessons2015/11/18English25
Relationships between mathematical knowledge for teaching and teaching practice: the case of proof2012/01/26English25
Tasks that may occasion mathematical creativity: teachers’ choices2012/10/21English25
Understanding the influence of two mathematics textbooks on prospective secondary teachers’ knowledge2009/06/14English25
Working with mathematics teachers and immigrant students: an empowerment perspective2009/06/14English25
Prospective middle school mathematics teachers’ reflective thinking skills: descriptions of their students’ thinking and interpretations of their teaching2009/02/20English25
Preservice teachers’ articulated noticing through pedagogies of practice2017/04/12English25
The nature of prospective mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge: the case of multiplication of fractions2010/09/03English25
Examining instructional practices in Core-Plus lessons: implications for professional development2006/11/23English25
Prospective primary mathematics teachers’ learning from on-line discussions in a virtual video-based environment2009/11/19English25
Foregrounding social justice in mathematics teacher education2009/05/12English25
Impact of a content and methods course sequence on prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ beliefs2011/05/11English25
Using representations, decomposition, and approximations of practices to support prospective elementary mathematics teachers’ practice of organizing discussions2013/12/27English24