Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Using concept maps to assess change in teachers’ understandings of algebra: a respectful approach2007/03/13English20
Video-stimulated recall as a catalyst for teacher professional learning2015/04/14English20
Mathematics teacher educator knowledge: What do we know and where to from here?2018/09/05English20
Mathematical sophistication among preservice elementary teachers2007/06/01English19
Paradidactic infrastructure for sharing and documenting mathematics teacher knowledge: a case study of “practice research” in Japan2017/12/05English19
Teacher characteristics and contextual factors: links to early primary teachers’ mathematical beliefs and attitudes2017/03/08English19
Teaching mathematical problem-solving from an emergent constructivist perspective: the experiences of Irish primary teachers2013/02/07English19
Teaching for social justice: exploring the development of student agency through participation in the literacy practices of a mathematics classroom2009/05/16English19
Challenges in deepening prospective teachers’ understanding of multiplication through justification2007/12/07English19
Talking About Teaching Episodes2005/10/01English18
How Students Verify Conjectures: Teachers’ Expectations2005/04/01English18
Opportunities to notice: Chinese prospective teachers noticing students’ ideas in a distance formula lesson2015/03/04English18
Prospective elementary teachers’ responses to unanticipated incorrect solutions to problem-solving tasks2015/10/26English18
Challenging teacher beliefs about student engagement in mathematics2015/02/27English18
Accountability conversations: mathematics teachers’ learning through challenge and solidarity2011/03/05English18
The preparation experiences of elementary mathematics specialists: examining influences on beliefs, content knowledge, and teaching practices2016/09/02English18
Designing advanced mathematics courses to influence secondary teaching: fostering mathematics teachers’ “attention to scope”2019/03/22English18
Mathematics in and through social justice: another misunderstood marriage?2009/05/19English18
Teachers’ use of their mathematical knowledge for teaching in learning a mathematics learning trajectory2013/11/27English17
Forms of mathematical interaction in different social settings: examples from students’, teachers’ and teacher–students’ communication about mathematics2009/02/20English17
Effects of a coding intervention on what teachers learn to notice during whole-group discussion2012/01/28English17
Why new mathematics teachers do or don’t use practices emphasized in their credential program2012/02/02English17
Elementary school teachers’ noticing of essential mathematical reasoning forms: justification and generalization2018/06/16English17
Professional Communities in the Context of Teachers’ Professional lives: A Case of Mathematics Specialists2005/04/01English17
Mathematics-related tasks, teacher education, and teacher educators2007/12/01English17
The durability of professional and sociomathematical norms intentionally fostered in an early pedagogy course2011/04/19English17
Challenges in mathematics teacher education2012/07/27English17
Developing mathematics teacher knowledge: the paradidactic infrastructure of “open lesson” in Japan2013/02/06English17
Student and teacher interventions: a framework for analysing mathematical discourse in the classroom2014/05/03English17
A primary teacher’s mathematics teaching: the development of beliefs and practice in different “supportive” contexts2008/12/09English17