Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mathematics Teaching as a Deliberate Practice: An Investigation of Elementary Pre-service Teachers' Reflective Thinking During Student Teaching2004/03/01English
Professional Development of Mathematics Teacher Educators: Growth Through Practice2004/03/01English
Pre-service Mathematics Teaching in the Context of Schools: An Exploration into the Constitution of Identity2004/03/01English
Noticing children’s learning processes – Teachers jointly reflect on their own classroom interaction for improving mathematics teaching2007/01/04English
Contents of Volume 82005/12/01English
Instructions for Authors2005/12/01English
BOOK REVIEW2006/08/18English
Education for the knowledge to teach mathematics: it all has to come together2008/10/14English
How can research be used to inform and improve mathematics teaching practice?2008/09/01English
Diversity in mathematics teacher education2007/05/24English
The tension between the general and the specific in an international mathematics teacher education2008/05/09English
Learning through challenge for prospective elementary teachers, experienced and beginning teachers, mathematics teacher educators and researchers, and education systems2018/05/08English
Relating chains of instrumental orchestrations to teacher decision-making2023/05/12English
Developing elementary mathematics specialists as teacher leaders during a preparation program2023/04/29English
Combining enactivism and systemic functional linguistics: a methodology for examining (mathematics teacher educator) language2024/02/29English
Supporting prospective mathematics teachers in noticing students' proportional reasoning2024/04/03English
Experienced teachers talking about their mathematics teaching with linguistically disadvantaged learners2024/04/11English
How often and when teachers should teach with challenging tasks: the role of motivational beliefs2023/12/14English
Conceptions of teaching and justice as pivotal to mathematics teacher educators’ thinking about mathematical knowledge for teaching2023/12/10English
Relationships between elementary mathematics specialist certification, knowledge, beliefs, and classroom learning environments2023/10/13English
Learning to elicit student thinking: the role of planning to support academically rigorous questioning sequences during instruction2023/10/10English
Constructing coherency levels to understand connections among the noticing skills of pre-service mathematics teachers2023/03/29English
Emergent mathematical worlds from teacher knowing in whole-class discourse: using an enactivist lens on the teaching of exponential functions2024/01/16English
Studying complex phenomena in mathematics teacher education2024/01/27English
Exploring change in secondary mathematics teachers' noticing of argumentation through experiencing peer-assessment strategies2023/07/26English
Developing mathematical thinking skills through technology-based learning: a review of “technology-enabled mathematics education: optimising student engagement”2023/02/03English
Preservice elementary teachers’ mathematical achievement and attitudes: A study of blended learning2023/01/02English
Multidimensionality as a feature of the research in mathematics teacher education: different targets to be noticed and different lenses to describe and explain2023/01/18English
Comparing how college mathematics instructors and high-school teachers recognize professional obligations of mathematics teaching when making instructional decisions2023/08/30English