Journal of Marketing Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Business tourists’ perceptions of nation brands and capital city brands: a comparison between Dublin/Republic of Ireland, and Cardiff/Wales2017/04/12English
The weight of the saddened soul: the bidirectionality between physical heaviness and sadness and its implications for sensory marketing2017/05/22English
The ambiguity of place branding consultancy: working with stakeholders in Rio de Janeiro2017/05/22English
Science ‘fact’ and science ‘fiction’? Homophilous communication in high-technology B2B selling2017/05/26English
Making a market for alternatives: marketing devices and the qualification of a vegan milk substitute2017/05/04English
Towards an enhanced understanding of the behavioural phenomenon of multiple media use2017/06/07English
The question of ‘alternatives’ within food and drink markets and marketing: introduction to the special issue2017/05/04English
Can there really be ‘True’ alternatives within the food and drink markets? If so, can they survive as alternative forms?2017/05/04English
Research frontiers on the dark side of consumer behaviour: The case of materialism and compulsive buying2017/07/03English
Subalterns, empowerment and the failed imagination of markets2017/11/22English
The roles of the private and public sectors in poverty reduction2017/11/22English
The Kafka quagmire for the poor in India2017/11/22English
What the subsistence marketplaces stream is really about: Beginning with micro-level understanding and being bottom-up2017/11/22English
More than meets the eye: videography and production of desire in semiocapitalism2017/11/27English
Design, consumption and marketing: outcomes, process, philosophy and future directions2017/02/12English
Social marketing: the state of play and brokering the way forward2016/07/23English
Seeing through a Glass Onion: broadening and deepening formative research in social marketing through a mixed methods approach2016/07/23English
Role conflict and changing heritage practice: ancestral tourism in Scotland2016/05/16English
Midstream value creation in social marketing2016/06/21English
From restricted to complex exchange and beyond: social marketing’s change agenda2016/06/12English
Adaptive resilience and the competition between retail and service agglomeration formats: an international perspective2016/10/18English
Creative contests: knowledge generation and underlying learning dynamics for idea generation2016/11/14English
Kafkaesque institutions at the base of the pyramid2016/11/11English
Fee Fi Fo Fail: fairy stories for future failures2023/06/01English
Shining the spotlight on marketplace rituals: a review and research agenda2023/05/16English
Assessing authentically – learnings from marketing educators2023/06/05English
Folklore as a frame for understanding UGC: pharma folklore from YouTube reflections on psychiatric drugs for depression2023/06/05English
Is consumerism only what Philip Kotler says it is? A decolonial analysis on failures, hierarchies, and exclusions2023/05/15English
What drives consumer perceptions and adoption of cannabidiol (CBD) products?2023/05/15English
Breaking down the crowd of backers: profiling cooperative strategies on a reward-based crowdfunding platform2023/04/27English