IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Design of a Hip Exoskeleton With Actuation in Frontal and Sagittal Planes2021/08/011
Motion Primitives for Low Contact Force Magnetically-Driven Navigation of Endoscopic Capsules2023/11/011
Learning to Estimate Palpation Forces in Robotic Surgery From Visual-Inertial Data2023/08/011
A Weakly Supervised Framework for 2D/3D Vascular Registration Oriented to Incomplete 2D Blood Vessels2022/05/011
Augmented Reality-Assisted Autonomous View Adjustment of a 6-DOF Robotic Stereo Flexible Endoscope2022/05/011
Electromyography-Based Control of Lower Limb Prostheses: A Systematic Review2023/08/011
Hysteresis Modeling and Compensation for Tendon-Sheath Mechanisms in Robot-Assisted Endoscopic Surgery Based on the Modified Bouc-Wen Model With Decoupled Model Parameters2023/05/011
Design, Development, and Validation of a Self-Aligning Mechanism for High-Torque Powered Knee Exoskeletons2020/05/011
Assessment of a Fault-Tolerant Control-Based Wearable Tremor Suppression Glove Under Faults and Disturbances2024/01/01
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics Society Information2023/05/01
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics Publication Information2023/05/01
Table of Contents2023/05/01
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics Information for Authors2023/05/01
Deep Brain Stimulation on Ca2+ Signalling and Neuro-Glial Network: A Digital Implementation2023/08/01
Real-Time 3-D Video Reconstruction for Guidance of Transventricular Neurosurgery2023/08/01
Computer-Assisted and Virtual Reality-Based Robotic Knee Arthroscopy: A Systematic Review2023/08/01
A Handheld Hydraulic Soft Robotic Device With Bidirectional Bending End-Effector for Minimally Invasive Surgery2023/08/01
Robotic Telepresence Based on Augmented Reality and Human Motion Mapping for Interventional Medicine2022/11/01
Ultrasound Plane Pose Regression: Assessing Generalized Pose Coordinates in the Fetal Brain2024/02/01
Human-in-the-Loop Personalization of a Bi-Articular Wearable Robot’s Assistance for Downhill Walking2024/02/01
Modulating Wrist-Hand Kinematics in Motorized-Assisted Grasping With C5-6 Spinal Cord Injury2024/02/01
A Novel Underactuated Robotic Orthosis for Individualized Gait Rehabilitation2024/02/01
Anchor-Free Convolutional Neural Network Application to Enhance Real-Time Surgical Tool Detection in Computer-Aided Surgery2024/02/01
Virtual-Fixture-Based Osteotomy Shared Control: A Framework for Human-Robot Shared Surgical Osteotomy Manipulation2023/11/01
Design and Validation of a High DOF Origami Inspired Soft Actuated Assistive Exoskeleton Arm and Spine2023/11/01
On the Decoding of Shoulder Joint Intent of Motion From Transient EMG: Feature Evaluation and Classification2023/11/01
Design and Modeling of a Sub-2 mm Steerable Neuroendoscopic Grasping Tool2023/11/01
HCTA-Net: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Attention Network for Surgical Instrument Segmentation2023/11/01
Inverse Kinematic Modeling of the Tendon-Actuated Medical Continuum Manipulator Based on a Lightweight Timing Input Neural Network2023/11/01
Bimodal Camera Pose Prediction for Endoscopy2023/11/01