American Journal of Educational Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Influence of Singing on 15-year-old Students School Performances in Mathematics, Science and Reading Comprehension2013/09/082
Occupational Gender Segregation and Its Determinants, an Analysis of Pakistan Labor Force Market2013/08/022
The Status of Applying E-learning in Holding Students’ Self-Study of the Subject <i>Education</i> in Pedagogical Universities in Vietnam2018/06/042
Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Kenya2018/06/102
Separation Anxiety and its Relation to Parental Attachment Styles among Children2018/07/092
Boosting Voice Equity at Workplace: An Implication of Tertiary Education on Mature Women Work Performance in Rwanda2018/01/042
How Effective is the Diocesan Educational Leadership in Enhancing a Denominational Education Philosophy in Uganda? Reflections from Roman Catholic Schools in Greater Kampala (Uganda)2018/01/282
Establishing StrengthsFinder Norms for Veterinary Medical Students2018/03/022
Effect of Self-Evaluation Learning Strategy on Academic Performance in English Language among Students in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya2020/11/042
Preparing the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Teacher for the Implementation of Outcomes-Based Education: The Practical Reality2019/07/042
Peer to Peer Synchronous Interaction and Student Engagement: A Perspective of Postgraduate Management Students in a Developing Country2019/07/112
Ecofeminism: Encouraging Interconnectedness with Our Environment in Modern Society2019/07/092
The Impact of Prior Exposure to Calculus2019/03/132
The Development of Student Worksheet Based on PISA to Improve Problem Solving Ability2018/12/022
Improvement of Teacher Competence and Professionalism and School Management Development in Indonesia2018/10/282
Job Satisfaction among Special Education Professionals2018/11/292
The Enhancement of Attractiveness and Effectiveness of History Learning Using Local History Interactive Teaching Material2018/11/222
EFL College Students’ Perceptions toward Native and Non-Native English Speaking Teachers2017/12/052
Embedding Proof-Writing in Phenomenon-based Learning to Promote Students’ Mathematical Creativity2020/09/172
Differences between Mathematics Representation Ability and Students’ Self-Efficacy by Using Learning Cycle 7E and Discovery LearningBased on Batak Angkola Culture in SMAN 1 Sipirok2018/11/182
An Assessment of the Impact of International Aid on Basic Education in Ghana2018/01/122
The Process of Designing Electronic Lesson Plans Based on Constructivism Theory in Teaching at Elementary Schools in Northern of Vietnam2018/04/162
Individual Innovativeness of Pre-service Elementary Grade Teachers2018/05/202
Educative Video Game Based Android System for Learning Early Reading for Children with Hearing Impairment2018/08/092
The Effect of Problem Based Learning and Self Efficiency for Improving Learning Outcomes in Pshychiatric Nursing Education2018/08/092
Influence of Time-on-phone on Undergraduates Academic Achievement in Nigerian Universities2017/08/262
Assessment Concept of Geographical Skills on Senior High School in Indonesia2017/08/262
Hierarchy of Needs of Persistent Mathematics and Science Teachers2017/08/262
Structured Content Reading Instruction vs. Direct Instruction: Their Implication on Students’ Achievement, Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking in Mathematics2017/08/262
Using Binary Logistic Regression to Predict Long-term Effects of Early-Age Home Literacy Environment on Reading Motivation2017/08/262