American Journal of Educational Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Knowledge and Instruments Cultural Modern in the Everyday Practices of Making Environmental and Labor Education2017/08/262
Structural Relationships among the Factors Affecting Adolescents’ Happiness in OECD countries: Application of QCA method2015/01/242
Information Behavior of Gifted Children in the Pre-literate Stage – Qualitative Study2015/02/022
Challenges in Teaching Russian Students to Speak English2013/04/302
Measuring Emotional Intelligence of Secondary School Students in Relation to Gender and Residence: an Empirical Study2014/03/222
The Perceived Effects/Impacts of Auditory Deficiency on the Social and Academic Behavior of Students in Hail, Saudi Arabia2014/02/052
Transversal Approach in the System of Specific Social-Educational Research Methodology2013/12/162
Analysis of the Education Systems of Japan and Ukraine2013/12/202
The Use of Instrumental and Controlling Program Master of Logic for Solving the Basic Class Problems of Propositional Algebra: Didactic Aspect2013/12/202
An Investigation on the Anxiety of Turkish Mothers Living in the USA about Their Children’s Future2014/08/182
Social-Emotional Perceptions of Deaf Students in Hail, Saudi Arabia2014/05/052
Augmented Reality and Its Influence on Cognitive Thinking in Learning2021/08/102
Introducing Chemistry of Cleaning through Context-Based Learning in a High-School Chemistry Course2021/06/082
Adoption of On-Campus Learning in Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study on Private University Students of Bangladesh2022/10/142
Democratic Values and Democratic Approach in Teaching: A Perspective2014/11/152
Effect of Teacher Training Programme on Self-Concept, Self-Confidence, Teaching Competency, and Role Commitment of Special Teacher Trainees2014/11/072
What is outside? The Early Years Foundation Stage in England: Outdoor Facilities, Organisation and Staff Attitudes2014/10/202
Corrective Feedback: A Bridge between Cognitive Interactionist and Social Interactionist Perspectives2014/10/202
Crossing the Ethic – Non Ethic Border: A Cognitive Dissonance Theory Approach2014/02/282
Does Russian English Exist?2014/09/152
The Change of Time and Space in E-Learning2014/07/262
Technical Education as a Vital Tool for Skill Acquisition through Guidance and Counseling for Nation Building2014/02/042
Successfully Initiating a Bike Share Program in Smaller Communities: The College or University as a Focal Point2021/05/092
Competing Dichotomies in Teaching Computer Programming to Beginner-Students2013/09/122
The Relationship of Achievement Motivation and Critical Thinking with the Ability to Read Comprehension2018/07/302
The Latest Characteristics of Mathematics Education Reform of Compulsory Education Stage in China2018/09/282
Improving the Ability of Mathematic Communication through the Realistic Mathematic Education Approach (RME) at the Student Class Iv New SDN Karang 04 Cikarang Utara-Bekasi2018/08/022
Influence of Selected Factors on Students’ Attitude towards Physics in Public Secondary Schools2017/09/222
Identification of Criteria for Assessing the Quality of Research2018/05/202
Research on Factors Affecting the Postgraduate Students’ Satisfaction in the Quality of Training Services in Accounting at the Training Institutions in Hanoi2018/04/292