Early Child Development and Care

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The relationship between children's home experiences and their mathematical skills on entry to school1989/01/01English36
Father involvement in early childhood programs: review of the literature2008/10/01English36
Parents and children engaging in storybook reading2010/12/01English36
Culture and the Kindergarten Curriculum in the People's Republic of China1996/01/01English36
Development and evaluation of metacognition in early childhood education2013/11/27English36
Exploring the use of emoji as a visual research method for eliciting young children’s voices in childhood research2016/08/17English35
Supporting Head Start parents: impact of a text message intervention on parent–child activity engagement2015/01/06English35
Early teaching of Chinese literacy skills and later literacy outcomes2008/07/01English35
Creative Movement Therapy Benefits Children with Autism2001/01/01English35
Excessive infant crying and intuitive parental care: Buffering support and its failures in parent‐infant interaction1990/01/01English35
Young children's literacy‐related play2006/10/01English35
What are our boundaries and where can we play? Perspectives from eight‐ to ten‐year‐old Australian metropolitan and rural children2009/02/01English35
Enhancing learning with information and communication technologies in pre‐school2008/08/01English35
Father beliefs as a mediator between contextual barriers and father involvement2008/10/01English35
Child care teachers’ strategies in children’s socialization of emotion2005/01/01English35
Co-occurrence of linguistic and behavioural difficulties in early childhood: a developmental psychopathology perspective2011/09/01English35
Play Theories: A contemporary review1994/01/01English35
Food Texture Preferences in Infants Versus Toddlers1998/01/01English35
Play and theory of mind: associations with social competence in young children2011/07/01English35
Interaction processes as a mediating factor between children's externalized behaviour difficulties and engagement in preschool2016/02/02English34
Parents’ shared storybook reading – learning to read2016/12/02English34
Predictors of maternal sensitivity in at-risk families2016/08/02English34
We have to live in the future2004/05/01English34
Taiwanese mothers’ beliefs about reading aloud with preschoolers: findings from the parent reading belief inventory2010/06/01English34
Factors affecting mothers’ healthcare‐seeking behaviour for childhood illnesses in a rural Nigerian setting2009/07/01English34
Deconstructing quality: A conceptual framework for the new paradigm in day care provision for the under eights1995/01/01English34
Which Counts More for Excellence in Childcare Staff — Years in Service, Education Level or ECE Coursework?1998/01/01English34
Guilt of working women with infants and toddlers in day care1987/01/01English34
Does play promote self-regulation in children?2014/01/13English33
Mother's Stress: Implications for Attachment Relationships1996/01/01English33