Early Child Development and Care

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Fathers’ frightening behaviours and sensitivity with infants: relations with fathers’ attachment representations, father–infant attachment, and children’s later outcomes2010/01/01English41
Music at home with the under fives: what is happening?2009/05/01English41
Breastfeeding in Depressed Mother-Infant Dyads2002/12/01English41
Family environment and parent‐child relationships as related to executive functioning in children2010/12/01English41
Predicting preschoolers' attachment security from fathers' involvement, internal working models, and use of social support2008/10/01English40
‘Tiger mom, panda dad’: a study of contemporary Chinese parenting profiles2017/04/26English40
Using Augmented Reality in early art education: a case study in Hong Kong kindergarten2015/08/04English40
Expectations for the transition from kindergarten to primary school amongst teachers, parents and children2012/05/01English40
Gender and cultural patterns of mothers’ and fathers’ attachment and links with children’s self‐competence, depression and loneliness in middle and late childhood2010/01/01English40
The Use of Pedometry to Evaluate the Physical Activity Levels among Preschool Children in Hong Kong2003/03/01English40
The Influence of Peers on Children's Socialization to Gender Roles2000/01/01English40
Asking the tough questions: a guide to ethical practices in interviewing young children2005/08/01English39
Impact of conflict in Syria on Syrian children at the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan2014/06/02English39
A case study of gendered play in preschools: how early childhood educators’ perceptions of gender influence children's play2015/10/01English39
The dynamics of parenting and early feeding – constructs and controversies: a viewpoint2012/08/01English39
Caregiving in counterpoint: reciprocal influences in the musical parenting of younger and older infants2008/01/01English39
Engaging young children in research through photo elicitation2013/11/01English39
Special Issue: Listening to young children’s voices in research – changing perspectives/changing relationships2009/02/01English38
Parenting stress, social support and parenting self-efficacy in Chinese families : does the number of children matter?2019/12/16English38
Children's participation and teacher control2006/05/01English38
Free play in early childhood education: a phenomenological study2015/09/15English37
The Role of Shared Reading in the Development of Phonological Awareness: A Longitudinal Study of Middle to Upper Class Children1997/01/01English37
Outdoors: An Important Context for Young Children's Development1996/01/01English37
Teachers’ beliefs and practices regarding developmentally appropriate practices: a study conducted in India2009/10/01English37
Childcare workers’ and centre directors’ beliefs about infant childcare quality and professional training2009/05/01English37
A Study of Children's Difficulties in Transition to School in Hong Kong2003/03/01English37
Kindergarten Social-Emotional Competence: Developmental Predictors and Psychosocial Implications2002/10/01English36
Parenting Attitudes of Asian Indian Mothers Living in the United States and in India2002/12/01English36
Empowering technology and engineering for STEM education through programming robots: a systematic literature review2018/10/17English36
Resilient children: A longitudinal study of high achieving socially disadvantaged children1990/01/01English36