Research in Post-Compulsory Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Do lecturers delivering higher education in further education desire to conduct research?2012/09/01English14
Differing relationships to research in higher and further education in the UK: a reflective account from a practitioner perspective2009/09/01English13
Crossing the boundaries: expectations and experience of newcomers to higher and further education2003/07/01English13
A review of major obstacles to women's participation in higher education in Kenya2006/03/01English13
Culture of HE in FE – exclave or enclave?2011/03/01English13
Re‐evaluating the role of social capital in the career decision‐making behaviour of working‐class students2009/06/01English13
Factors that contribute to secondary school students’ self-efficacy in being a successful university student2017/10/02English13
The textual representation of professionalism: problematising professional standards for teachers in the UK lifelong learning sector2014/01/02English13
One step forward, two steps back? The professionalisation of further education teachers in England2013/12/01English12
Re‐negotiating the self through educational development: mature students’ experiences2007/03/01English12
Accounting professionals and CPD: attitudes and engagement—some survey evidence2007/03/01English12
‘Nothing will prevent me from doing a good job’. The professionalisation of part‐time teaching staff in further and adult education2008/03/01English12
A rationale for the development of an extracurricular employability award at a British university2011/09/01English12
The impact of lecturers’ initial teacher training on continuing professional development needs for teaching and learning in post-compulsory education2015/04/03English12
Work‐based learning; discipline, field or discursive space or what?2006/10/01English12
‘College for all’ in Anglophone countries – meritocracy or social inequality? An Australian example2016/01/02English12
Challenging the Western stereotype: do Chinese international foundation students learn by rote?2013/09/01English12
Thesis writing challenges for non-native MA students2015/07/03English11
EFL faculty members’ research engagement: voices from Iran2019/01/02English11
Youth transitions, VET and the ‘making’ of class: changing theorisations for changing times?2017/04/03English11
From teacher to manager: expectations and challenge in the further education sector. a relationship model2017/04/03English11
Beyond the compulsory: a critical exploration of the experiences of extracurricular activity and employability in a northern red brick university2018/07/03English11
Professional education and skills: liberalising higher education for the professions in the United Kingdom2004/07/01English11
Encouraging a more enterprising researcher: the implementation of an integrated training programme of enterprise for Ph.D. and postdoctoral researchers2010/09/01English11
Work‐based learning as a field of study2007/10/01English11
The experiences of medical students from First-in-Family (FiF) university backgrounds: a Bourdieusian perspective from one English medical school2019/10/02English11
Higher Education in Further Education: student perceptions of the value of foundation degree qualifications2012/12/01English10
Robbing Peter to pay Paul: the price of standards‐driven education2010/12/01English10
Living in an ‘entrepreneurial’ university2004/10/01English10
Academic middle managers in further education: reflections on leadership2001/07/01English10