Nuclear Engineering and Design

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Correlation coefficients for modal response combination of non-classically damped systems1996/08/01English
The evaluation of the bubble condenser containment of VVER-440/213 plants1995/08/01English
Heat transfer enhancement by radiation structures for an air channel of LMR decay heat removal2000/06/01English
Influence of temperature, strain rate and specimen geometry on the microscopic cleavage fracture stress1999/04/01English
Combined effect of thermal and irradiation embrittlement in the reactor pressure vessel CrNiMoV steel1998/06/01English
Resolution of flat bottom tank outlier1998/05/01English
Local two-phase flow measurements using sensor techniques1997/11/01English
Benchmark calculations of neutron yields and dose equivalent from thick iron target for 52–256 MeV protons2002/04/01English
The coolability limits of a reactor pressure vessel lower head1997/06/01English
Assessment of the interchannel mixing model with a subchannel analysis code for BWR and PWR conditions2000/07/01English
Instructions to contributors2001/11/01English
FRM-II: The new German research reactor1997/12/01English
The particle fluid model and using Lagrangian representation in two-phase flow modeling1997/11/01English
The next generation of fast reactors1997/10/01English
ASYNT — An adjoint synthesis method for neutron irradiation estimation on the vessels of VVER/PWR reactors1997/07/01English
Implementation and assessment of improved models and options in TRAC-BF11997/12/01English
Analysis of stable crack growth of a semi-elliptical surface crack by numerical simulation1995/09/01English
Development of new Z-factors for the evaluation of the circumferential surface crack in nuclear pipes1997/10/01English
Fracture mechanics concepts for evaluation of irradiated reactor pressure vessel material behavior1999/06/01English
gothic code evaluation of alternative passive containment cooling features1996/11/01English
Ex-vessel transport and mixing of a deborated slug in a PWR primary geometry2001/12/01English
Visualization and measurement of two-phase flow by using neutron radiography1997/11/01English
Seismic response of tuned single degree of freedom secondary systems1997/07/01English
Development of modified piping evaluation diagram for leak-before-break application to Korean next generation reactor1999/07/01English
Double-supply-frequency pressure pulsation in annular linear induction pump, part II: reduction of pulsation by linear winding grading at both stator ends2000/09/01English
The application of constraint based fracture mechanics to engineering structures1998/08/01English
BWR 90—the advanced BWR of the 1990s1998/03/01English