Nuclear Engineering and Design

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Subject index 2062001/06/01English
Dimensionally adaptive dynamic switching and adjoint sensitivity analysis: new features of the RELAP5/PANBOX/COBRA code system for reactor safety transients2000/12/01English
Operation conditions of the emergency condenser of the SWR10001999/05/01English
Cladding metallurgy and fracture behavior during reactivity-initiated accidents at high burnup1998/12/01English
Pressure release of containments during severe accidents in Switzerland1995/08/01English
Local void fraction and velocity field description in horizontal bubbly flow2001/02/01English
Techniques for CAD reconstruction of `as-built' environments and application to preparing for dismantling of plants1997/12/01English
Effect of reinforcement ratio on the resistance of reinforced concrete to hard projectile impact1997/07/01English
The main components of the European pressurized water reactor1999/01/01English
Structural mechanics and nuclear steam supply system maintenance1995/01/01
Creep and creep-fatigue cracking behaviour of two structural steels1995/01/01
Assessing the defect-free structure1995/01/01
Thermal buckling and progressive ovalization of pipes: experiences at the TTS sodium test facility and their analysis1995/01/01
Experimental investigation of the stratified flow in the horizontal pipework of nuclear reactors1995/01/01
New developments in French transient monitoring system: SYSFAC From the experiments to the industrial process1995/01/01
Considerations pertaining to the achievement of high burn-ups in HTR fuel2002/04/01English
Critical heat flux prediction in rod bundles under upward low mass flux densities1998/07/01English
A verification and validation method and its application to digital safety systems in ABWR nuclear power plants1998/07/01English
Instructions to Contributors2002/04/01English
Thermal-hydraulic investigations on a pilot liquid metal target2000/12/01English
Cessation of environmentally-assisted cracking in a low-alloy steel: experimental results2000/04/01English
The HTTR reactor pressure vessel and its integrity against a PTS event1997/10/01English
Flow excursion time scales in the advanced neutron source reactor1997/12/01English
Response of the ISER for a beyond-design-basis hypothetical accident1995/09/01English
On the round table discussion on reactor power margins published in Nuclear Engineering and Design 163 (1–2) 19962000/10/01English
Accident sequence precursor analysis: level 2/3 model development1999/11/01English
Modeling of radiation heat transport in complex ladder-like structures placed in rectangular enclosures1999/09/01English
What can a country with small nuclear program learn from other European countries?1997/11/01English
Analysis of the degradation of a PWR control rod during a loss of coolant accident, using the ICARE2 code1999/12/01English
Structural behavior of reinforced concrete structures at high temperatures1995/06/01English