Nuclear Engineering and Design

Title Publication Date Language Citations
CONTENTS OF ISSUE 175 (1–2)1997/11/01English
Fracture resistance of cracked duplex stainless steel elbows under bending with or without internal pressure2000/04/01English
Improvement of impact toughness of the SA 508 class 3 steel for nuclear pressure vessel through steel-making and heat-treatment practices1997/10/01English
Local studies in horizontal gas–liquid slug flow1998/08/01English
Merchant marine nuclear-powered vessels1997/10/01English
Mechanisms of transitions to film boiling at CHFs in subcooled and pressurized liquids due to steady and increasing heat inputs2000/05/01English
Simplified method for evaluating the seismic buckling capacity of unstiffened steel containment structures1995/09/01English
Harmonization of fuel cycles for nuclear energy system with the use of molten salt technology1997/10/01English
Liquid film formation on the inner surface of the horizontal channel1997/11/01English
Multi-physics coupling analysis of test heat pipe reactor KRUSTY based on MOOSE framework2023/12/01English
Gas entrainment in surge tank of CFR6002023/12/01English
Reactivity control optimization of boron-free small modular pressurized water reactor with helical-cruciform metallic fuel2023/12/01English
The effect B impurity and Xe intrusion in the graphite moderator on void reactivity feedback of thermal MSR2023/12/01English
MAGIC-GPS global variance reduction method for large-scale shielding calculation2023/12/01English
Applying approximate Bayesian computation to reduce uncertainty in multigroup 235-U cross-sections using ICSBEP experimental data2023/12/01English
Thermal-liquid–solid coupling characteristics of wavy-end-face mechanical seal for reactor coolant pump2023/12/01English
Decommissioning planning: Empowering efficiency through BIM modelling and a single-source-of-truth framework2023/12/01English
Rocking stiffness of electrical cabinets with tubular base in nuclear power plants2023/12/01English
The involvement of ÚJV Řež and other Czech companies in shipments of spent nuclear fuel from nuclear research reactors2023/12/01English
Safety considerations related to boron redistribution during Loss-of-Coolant-Accident initiated beyond design basis events for the NuScale power module2023/11/01English
He atoms diffusion and aggregation in Li2TiO3: A molecular dynamics study2023/11/01English
Calculation of the effective thermal conductivity of porous polycrystalline U-10Mo alloy based on phase-field simulation2023/11/01English
Modeling and simulation of the radiolytic deuterium and oxygen generation in heavy water reactors2023/11/01English
Possibility of misleading readings of water level in VVER steam generator during severe accidents with account for the Fukushima lessons2023/11/01English
Analysis of FeCrAl cladding performance under loss-of-coolant accident conditions2023/12/01English
Scale analysis using FSA methodology for single-phase natural circulation in a simplified RCCS2023/12/01English
Steam flows in concrete cracks: Thermal behaviour2023/11/01English
Conceptual design of megawatt-level mobile nuclear power system based on heat pipe cooled reactor2023/11/01English
Structure–property relations in graphitic pebbles for nuclear applications2023/12/01English