Nuclear Engineering and Design

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Instructions to contributors2001/09/01English
Overview of the OECD–Halden reactor project2001/07/01English
The hazards presented by radioactive wastes and the safety levels to be provided by repositories1997/11/01English
Thermal–hydraulic characteristics of a next-generation reactor relying on steam generator secondary side cooling for primary depressurization and long-term passive core cooling1998/09/01English
Performance-oriented and risk-based regulation for containment testing1996/11/01English
Analyses of PACTEL passive safety injection experiments GDE-21 through GDE-251998/03/01English
EPR core design1999/01/01English
Critical heat flux under zero flow conditions in vertical annulus with uniformly and non-uniformly heated sections2001/04/01English
A parameter identification technique for detection of spacer locations in an assembly of two coaxial flexible tubes2000/03/01English
Cracking in stabilized austenitic stainless steel piping of German boiling water reactors—characteristic features and root cause1997/07/01English
About some principal possibilities for improvement of electronuclear system's characteristics2002/04/01English
Erratum to “Calculation method for diffusional gas release with grain boundary resolution”2001/01/01English
Behaviour of a PWR vessel dissimilar metal weld during a steam line break transient2001/08/01English
Laser Rayleigh measurement of mixing processes and control of hydrogen combustion using quenching meshes1999/03/01English
Study on non-minimum phase reactor system1995/03/01English
The use of the noise analysis for the detection of the pellet- cladding mechanical interaction1998/03/01English
The influence of rotary inertia of concentrated masses on the natural vibrations of a clamped–supported pipe conveying fluid2000/04/01English
Core shroud replacement of Fukushima-Daiichi Unit #31999/07/01English
Amount of iodine responsible for I-SCC of Zircaloy-4 in PCI-conditions: recoil-implanted and thermally released iodine1998/12/01English
Annealing of nuclear reactor pressure vessels1998/05/01English
Considerations for in-service inspection on pressure vessel of 200MW nuclear heating reactor2000/11/01English
Microstructure of the NPP Kozloduy Unit 1 Weld 4 Metal1999/08/01English
PROMAX/PC — computer code for computing the maximum activity of radioactive waste packages and design of gamma-shielding1995/11/01English
A real-time monitoring system of core support barrel vibration using FEM data and self-organizing neural networks1995/09/01English
Investigation of the reflector temperatures of a space craft thermionic reactor1999/09/01English
Tensile and stress corrosion cracking properties of type 304 stainless steel irradiated to a very high dose2001/09/01English
Return momentum effect on water level distribution during mid-loop operations2000/11/01English