
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Towards an ecological understanding of willingness to communicate in EFL classrooms in China2012/06/01English115
Relative salience of suprasegmental features on judgments of L2 comprehensibility and accentedness2010/06/01English113
College students’ writing self-efficacy and writing self-regulated learning strategies in learning English as a foreign language2020/06/01English112
A short stay abroad: Does it make a difference?2009/09/01English110
Captioned video for L2 listening and vocabulary learning: A meta-analysis2013/09/01English110
Can learners use concordance feedback for writing errors?2004/09/01English109
English as a “global language” in China: An investigation into learners’ and teachers’ language beliefs2011/09/01English108
Incidental vocabulary acquisition through L2 listening: A dimensions approach2013/09/01English106
Emotions as agency: Feeling rules, emotion labor, and English language teachers’ decision-making2018/12/01English105
Narrative frames for investigating the experiences of language teachers2008/09/01English105
Learning outcomes and students' perceptions of online writing: Simultaneous implementation of a forum, blog, and wiki in an EFL blended learning setting2010/06/01English103
Using wikis to enhance and develop writing skills among secondary school students in Hong Kong2008/09/01English102
Emotions in classroom language learning: What can we learn from achievement emotion research?2019/11/01English101
Learner-learner interaction during pair and small group activities in a Thai EFL context2004/06/01English98
Engagement, gender, and motivation: A predictive model for Japanese young language learners2017/04/01English95
An analysis of demotivators in the EFL classroom2009/03/01English93
Willingness to communicate and action control2010/06/01English91
Language teacher agency, emotion labor and emotional rewards in tertiary-level English language programs2018/12/01English91
Acting, thinking, feeling, making, collaborating: The engagement process in foreign language learning2019/11/01English91
Changes in language learning beliefs as a result of study abroad2009/09/01English90
The employability of non-native-speaker teachers of EFL: A UK survey2007/12/01English89
Promoting growth in foreign and second language education: A research agenda for mindsets in language learning and teaching2019/11/01English89
Out-of-school digital gameplay and in-school L2 English vocabulary outcomes2015/07/01English89
Language learning strategy use of ESL students in an intensive English learning context2006/09/01English88
CLIL: Some of the reasons why … and why not2013/09/01English87
An exploration of speaking-in-class anxiety with Chinese ESL learners2011/06/01English87
Learners’ perceptions and attitudes: Implications for willingness to communicate in an L2 classroom2009/06/01English85
An investigation of Chinese-character learning strategies among non-native speakers of chinese2005/03/01English84
Explaining listening comprehension among L2 learners of English: The contribution of general language proficiency, vocabulary knowledge and metacognitive awareness2017/04/01English84
Demotivation: Affective states and learning outcomes2009/09/01English84