Journal of Applied Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Measuring drivers' glare sensitivity: Evaluation of an automated technique.1981/01/01English
Selective memory for social information, alertness, and physiological arousal in the detection of deception.1981/01/01English
Variables affecting perceptions of invasion of privacy in a personnel selection situation.1980/01/01English
Reliability and validity of methods for evaluating perceived physical effort.1980/01/01English
Personnel selection and the five-factor model: Reexamining the effects of applicant's frame of reference.2001/01/01English
Further analyses of the dispositional argument in organizational behavior.1991/01/01English
Bias in the Ivory Tower: An unintended consequence of the Buckley Amendment for graduate admissions?1981/01/01English
The effects of defendant conduct on jury damage awards.2001/01/01English
Are performance appraisal ratings from different rating sources comparable?2001/01/01English
Validity generalization results for two job groups in the petroleum industry.1981/01/01English
Job performance and turnover.1981/01/01English
Organizational efforts to affirm sexual diversity: A cross-level examination.2001/01/01English
Assuming preferential selection when the admissions policy is unknown: The effects of gender rarity.2001/01/01English
Correlates of employee reactions to performance appraisals and appraisal systems.1981/01/01English
Stress and strain from family roles and work-role expectations.1984/01/01English
Construction and validation of an instrument for measuring ingratiatory behaviors in organizational settings.1991/01/01English
Sequential lineup presentation: Technique matters.1991/01/01English
Biased lineups: Sequential presentation reduces the problem.1991/01/01English
Composite production effects on subsequent facial recognition.1981/01/01English
An experimental analysis of the impact of contingent reinforcement on salespersons' performance behavior.1981/01/01English
The effect of jury deliberations on jurors' propensity to disregard inadmissible evidence.2000/01/01English
Agreement between expert-system and human raters' scores on complex constructed-response quantitative items.1991/01/01English
The relative power of training evaluation designs under different cost configurations.1992/01/01English
Comparison of self-modeling and small cash incentives in a sheltered workshop.1981/01/01English
Cross-lagged correlational analysis in dynamic settings.1981/01/01English
Performance antecedents of voluntary and involuntary managerial turnover.1985/01/01English
What enhances or inhibits learning a new job? A basic career issue.1992/01/01English
Estimation accuracy of Thomas's likelihood-based procedure of meta-analysis: A Monte Carlo simulation.1992/01/01English
Gender differences in the acquisition of salary negotiation skills: The role of goals, self-efficacy, and perceived control.1993/01/01English
Sex differences in the incidence and evaluation of participative leader behavior.1982/01/01English