Journal of Applied Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Perceived team and player efficacy in hockey.1998/01/01English
Subgroup validities: Differential definitions and differential prediction.1978/01/01English
Validity of personnel decisions: A conceptual analysis of the inferential and evidential bases.1989/01/01English
On differential validity and bias.1978/01/01English
Output rates among industrial employees.1978/01/01English
Perceptions of politics: Does measuring different foci matter?1998/01/01English
Enhancing lineup identification accuracy: Two codes are better than one.1989/01/01English
Integrating work environment perceptions: Explorations into the measurement of meaning.1989/01/01English
Contribution of concrete cognition to emotion: Neutral symptoms as elicitors of worry about cancer.1989/01/01English
Examination of the measurement properties of the Job Descriptive Index with experimental items.1989/01/01English
Correlates of faculty attitudes toward collective bargaining.1978/01/01English
A realistic test of individual versus group consensus decision making.1989/01/01English
The role of organizational citizenship behavior in turnover: Conceptualization and preliminary tests of key hypotheses.1998/01/01English
Positive affectivity and negative outcomes: The role of tenure and job satisfaction.1998/01/01English
Investigation of the construct validity of a self-report measure of goal commitment.1989/01/01English
Effects and timing of developmental peer appraisals in self-managing work groups.1999/01/01English
Cognitive accident-avoidance training for beginning drivers.1978/01/01English
Generalization effects of coping-skills training: Influence of self-defense training on women's efficacy beliefs, assertiveness, and aggression.2000/01/01English
Influence of price on aspects of consumers' cognitive process.1991/01/01English
Choosing the most powerful pairwise multiple comparison procedure in multivariate analysis of variance.1980/01/01English
Sketch artist and Identi-kit procedures for recalling faces.1980/01/01English
Magnitude estimation of the utility of public goods.1991/01/01English
Perceived fairness and accuracy of performance evaluation: A follow-up.1980/01/01English
Examination of relationships among trait-like individual differences, state-like individual differences, and learning performance.2000/01/01English
Instrumental values of organizational citizenship behavior for promotion: A field quasi-experiment.2000/01/01English
Meta-analytic comparison of the Job Diagnostic Survey and Job Characteristics Inventory as correlates of work satisfaction and performance.1991/01/01English
Toward an understanding of adult intellectual development: Investigating within-individual convergence of interest and knowledge profiles.2000/01/01English
A field experiment testing frontline opinion leaders as change agents.2000/01/01English
Catching moods and hitting runs: Mood linkage and subjective performance in professional sport teams.2000/01/01English
Assessment of achievement and power motivation of Blacks and Whites, using a Black and White TAT, with Black and White administrators.1980/01/01English