Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. | 2003/01/01 | English | 45,263 |
The job demands-resources model of burnout. | 2001/01/01 | English | 5,879 |
Accounting for common method variance in cross-sectional research designs. | 2001/01/01 | English | 5,284 |
Perceived organizational support. | 1986/08/01 | English | 4,507 |
What is coefficient alpha? An examination of theory and applications. | 1993/02/01 | English | 4,353 |
Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey. | 1975/04/01 | English | 3,494 |
Perceived organizational support: A review of the literature. | 2002/01/01 | English | 3,298 |
Estimating within-group interrater reliability with and without response bias. | 1984/02/01 | English | 3,053 |
Commitment to organizations and occupations: Extension and test of a three-component conceptualization. | 1993/01/01 | English | 2,959 |
Justice at the millennium: A meta-analytic review of 25 years of organizational justice research. | 2001/01/01 | English | 2,930 |
On the dimensionality of organizational justice: A construct validation of a measure. | 2001/06/01 | English | 2,709 |
Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover among psychiatric technicians. | 1974/10/01 | English | 2,629 |
A new readability yardstick. | 1948/01/01 | English | 2,483 |
Overall job satisfaction: How good are single-item measures? | 1997/04/01 | English | 2,063 |
Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: The effects of compliance, identification, and internalization on prosocial behavior. | 1986/08/01 | English | 1,953 |
Development and validation of work–family conflict and family–work conflict scales. | 1996/08/01 | English | 1,913 |
Organizational citizenship behavior: Its nature and antecedents. | 1983/11/01 | English | 1,850 |
Assessing dissimilarity relations under missing data conditions: Evidence from computer simulations. | 2007/01/01 | English | 1,847 |
Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta-Analytic Test of Their Relative Validity. | 2004/10/01 | English | 1,836 |
Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis. | 2002/01/01 | English | 1,834 |
Functional relations among constructs in the same content domain at different levels of analysis: A typology of composition models. | 1998/04/01 | English | 1,794 |
Relationship of core self-evaluations traits—self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability—with job satisfaction and job performance: A meta-analysis. | 2001/01/01 | English | 1,725 |
Relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors: Do fairness perceptions influence employee citizenship? | 1991/12/01 | English | 1,682 |
A meta-analytic examination of the correlates of the three dimensions of job burnout. | 1996/04/01 | English | 1,677 |
Trust in leadership: Meta-analytic findings and implications for research and practice. | 2002/08/01 | English | 1,655 |
Linking job demands and resources to employee engagement and burnout: A theoretical extension and meta-analytic test. | 2010/09/01 | English | 1,591 |
Task versus relationship conflict, team performance, and team member satisfaction: A meta-analysis. | 2003/01/01 | English | 1,571 |
Development of a measure of workplace deviance. | 2000/01/01 | English | 1,559 |
Meta-Analytic review of leader–member exchange theory: Correlates and construct issues. | 1997/12/01 | English | 1,551 |
rwg: An assessment of within-group interrater agreement. | 1993/04/01 | English | 1,537 |