Determination of oxidative stress in vitiligo by measuring superoxide dismutase and catalase levels in vitiliginous and non-vitiliginous skin | Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology |
- Medicine: Medicine (General)
- Medicine: Dermatology
| 67 | 2009 |
Comparison of the inhibitory effects of vitamin E analogues on melanogenesis in mouse B16 melanoma cells | Cytotechnology |
- Technology: Chemical technology: Biotechnology
- Science: Biology (General): Cytology
- Science: Biology (General)
- Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
| 16 | 2009 |
Coenzyme Q10 protects against oxidative stressāinduced cell death and enhances the synthesis of basement membrane components in dermal and epidermal cells | BioFactors |
- Science: Biology (General)
- Medicine: Internal medicine: Specialties of internal medicine: Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology
- Science: Biology (General)
- Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
| 40 | 2009 |
Squalene as a Target Molecule in Skin Hyperpigmentation Caused by Singlet Oxygen | Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin |
- Medicine: Public aspects of medicine: Toxicology. Poisons
- Medicine: Therapeutics. Pharmacology
| 35 | 2009 |
The sunburn response in human skin is characterized by sequential eicosanoid profiles that may mediate its early and late phases | The FASEB Journal |
- Science: Biology (General)
- Science: Biology (General)
- Science: Biology (General): Cytology
- Science: Biology (General)
- Science: Biology (General)
- Science: Chemistry: Organic chemistry: Biochemistry
| 88 | 2009 |