English Language Teaching

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A study on the curriculum for training pre-service secondary English teachers2008/06/01English6
Working Memory Capacity, Vocabulary Knowledge, and Reading Comprehension of EFL Learners2013/03/01English5
Korean ESL Learners’ Use of Connectors in English Academic Writing2013/06/01English5
The relationship between self-efficacy and TOEIC achievement2012/09/01English4
"초등영어 창의적 쓰기 지도에 관한 실행 연구: 판타지 그림책 활용을 중심으로"2015/03/01English4
The effects of virtual reality based CMC on English language learning2010/12/01English4
The effects of Korean-Taiwanese students’ telecollaboration on Korean students’ intercultural competence and English speaking ability.2013/09/01English4
English learning motivation research in Korea: Theoretical and thematic changes and prospects.2013/03/01English4
An Exploration of Korean High School Students’ Motivation in Learning English2015/03/01English3
An analysis of native and nonnative English teachers’ perception on their role in elementary school settings of co-teaching2010/12/01English3
대학의 수준별 영어 수업에 대한 연구2015/09/01English3
College students’ production and perception of English vowels2010/12/01English3
Strategy Use in EFL Writing by Undergraduate and Graduate Writers2008/06/01English3
Korean EFL Teachers’ Emotional Labor: An Exploratory Study2018/06/01English3
An exploration of enhancing secondary-level teaching practicum through the joint operation of an after-school program of a middle school and a university course: Focused on English subject.2014/03/01English3
A Corpus-based analysis of middle school English 1 textbooks with Coh-Metrix2009/12/01English3
A study on the structural relationships between English vocabulary learning strategies and English vocabulary accomplishment2014/12/01English3
An exploratory study of university EFL students’ participation in CBI2008/03/01English3
듣기 전략 훈련이 EFL 학습자의TOEIC 듣기 시험 수행에 미치는 영향2015/09/01English3
Evaluation on Self-directed Learning Activities by a Low Level of Korean EFL Learners2018/03/01English2
A study on the relations between grit, self-efficacy, and language proficiency among Korean high school students2017/06/01English2
The Use of Microteaching in Prospective English Teacher Training2009/09/01English2
국가영어능력평가시험(NEAT)에 대한 중등교사들의 인식2012/06/01English2
A study on how secondary English teachers in Incheon and Seoul perceive and carry out performance assessment2008/12/01English2
The influence of parental expectation types and students’ English learning motivation on Korean students’ English achievement2012/03/01English2
A study on basic elementary English vocabulary list through corpus analysis of textbooks based on 2008 Revised National Curriculum.2013/09/01English2
A new paradigm of English learning: Comparative analysis of English learners’ behaviors among face-to-face, e-learning, and smart English learning environment.2014/03/01English2
The effects of corpus-based learning of vocabulary and grammar on Korean high-school students2008/03/01English2
Use and effects of the tutoring service at the English Writing Lab2015/09/01English2
제2언어 자아와 영어 학습 동기: 면담법을 통한 사례 연구2015/09/01English2