English Language Teaching

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in promoting mobile learning for English learning.2015/12/01English
An analysis of middle school English test items made with conversational texts.2016/12/01English
A study on the relationship among English proficiency, reading question types, and learners' factors in English reading comprehension2015/12/01English
Comprehensive analysis of studies on English camps in Korea: From 2001 to present2016/12/01English
The effects of direct error correction and metalinguistic explanation on learners’ explicit and implicit knowledge of the English article in EFL Contexts.2015/12/01English
Grammatical competency or pragmatic competency: An examination of the language features related to proficiency scores in oral interviews2016/09/01English
A study on factors related to NNS teachers’ language awareness2015/12/01English
Academic high school students’ perceptions of quality English teachers and teaching2016/06/01English
Toward openness and sharing from closed individuality in online reading community2016/06/01English
Lexical and syntactic features of underachieving EFL university students’ English composition2016/12/01English
Characteristics of text-based writing by non-native high school students2017/03/01English
Investigating EFL reading strategies and reading comprehension2016/12/01English
Expanding Circle learners in an Outer Circle environment: The experience of Koreans studying English in the Philippines2015/12/01English
Pedagogical potentials of cohesive devices for EFL writing2016/06/01English
Effects of types of English learning backgrounds and target constructions on the judgment of discourse-based grammar by Korean English learners2017/03/01English
An investigation of professional identity formations of TESOL students in a U.S. teacher education program2016/12/01English
A comparative study on amplifier use and preference between Korean English learners and native English speakers2016/06/01English
The effects of microteaching experience on student teachers’ secondary English class observation2015/12/01English
The effects of task complexity on the accuracy, syntactic complexity, and fluency of EFL learners’ compositions2017/03/01English
Interactional competence in a paired speaking test: Toward designing an evidence-based rating scale.2016/06/01English
Interpreting the Linkage among Reading Problems in L1 and L2, Strategy Use in L2 Reading, and L2 Proficiency2017/03/01English
An analysis of English needs of Korean adult learners: Focusing on students in K Cyber University2016/09/01English
Data-driven learning: Focusing on consciousness-raising2015/12/01English
Exploring challenges and collaborative efforts of two co-teachers in a high school2015/12/01English
Culture teaching, world Englishes, and the College Scholastic Aptitude Test2016/06/01English
The effects of form-based and meaning-based feedback in high school English education2015/12/01English
Relative effects of proficiency and class types on perceptual learning styles of Korean university EFL students2016/06/01English
English teachers’ practices, perceptions, and professional competences of intercultural communicative competence teaching2016/06/01English
Development and application of a concept mapping-based academic writing instruction model for students majoring in science and engineering2016/12/01English
Focused written corrective feedback and its roles in learning English articles2015/12/01English