International Journal of Lifelong Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Motivation in adult education: a problem solver or a euphemism for direction and control?2006/07/01English39
From social rights to the market: neoliberalism and the knowledge economy2014/01/02English38
Australian universities, generic skills and lifelong learning2009/07/01English37
Lifelong learning and welfare reform1999/11/01English37
Learning in the circumstances of practice2014/04/14English37
Transfer of learning in the learning society: How can the barriers between different learning spaces be surmounted, and how can the gap between learning inside and outside schools be bridged?2009/03/01English36
Transformative Learning re-defined: as changes in elements of the identity2014/05/30English36
Adult education as experienced by the learners2003/01/01English36
Continuums of precarity: refugee youth transitions in American high schools2016/03/03English36
Shaping the re‐training and re‐education experiences of immigrant women: The credential and certificate regime in Canada2009/05/01English35
Constructing identities and making careers: young people’s perspectives on work and learning2007/09/01English35
(In)validation and (mis)recognition in higher education: the experiences of students from refugee backgrounds2017/02/07English35
The impact of higher education on lifelong learning2008/05/01English35
Lifelong learning and social democracy1999/09/01English34
Chinese conceptions of learning and teaching: a westerner's attempt at understanding1992/10/01English34
Governing through non/recognition: the missing ‘R’ in the PLAR for immigrant professionals in Canada and Sweden2009/07/01English34
Is there a role for learning styles in personalised education and training?2005/05/01English33
Steps towards participation: the social support of learning trajectories2005/07/01English33
Lifelong learning: a policy concept with a long past but a short history2011/03/01English32
How does a newcomer construct identity? A socio‐cultural approach to workplace learning2007/01/01English32
A critical feminist analysis of the homeplace as learning site: expanding the discourse of lifelong learning to consider adult women learners2005/01/01English32
Sabbatical leave, job burnout and turnover intentions among teachers1995/07/01English31
Fostering transformative learning in non-formal settings: Farmer-Field Schools in East Africa2012/09/18English31
A gaggle of raging grannies: the empowerment of older Canadian women through social activism2004/01/01English31
Include me out: critical readings of social exclusion, social inclusion and lifelong learning2001/09/01English31
Meaning‐making, adult learning and development: a model with implications for practice1996/07/01English31
Parents as problems or parents as people? Parental involvement programmes, schools and adult educators2001/05/01English31
Motivations for older adults’ participation in distance education: A study at the National Open University of Taiwan2008/05/01English30
Lady, Inc.: women learning, negotiating subjectivity in entrepreneurial discourses2002/03/01English30
What do we mean by lifelong learning and knowledge?2002/01/01English30