International Journal of Lifelong Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Social capital, human capital and the learning society1998/07/01English61
Making judgments as the basis for workplace learning: towards an epistemology of practice2000/07/01English60
Reflexivity: towards a theory of lifelong learning2002/11/01English59
Citizenship as a learning process: disciplinary citizenship versus cultural citizenship2003/11/01English58
More than nickels and dimes: the health benefits of a community‐based lifelong learning programme for older adults2008/11/01English57
Learning careers and the social space: exploring the fragile identities of adult returners in the new further education2002/11/01English57
Activating the disadvantaged. Variations in addressing youth transitions across Europe2007/09/01English56
Participation in learning and wellbeing among older adults2011/06/01English54
Lifelong learning and the social integration of refugees in the UK: the significance of social capital2007/03/01English53
Learning in the workplace and the significance of school‐based education: a study of learning in a Danish vocational education and training programme2005/03/01English52
HRD with a conscience: practicing socially responsible HRD2004/09/01English51
The motivations and outcomes of studying for part-time mature students in higher education2011/10/01English51
‘Seeing from a different angle’: the role of pop culture in teaching for diversity and critical media literacy in adult education2007/11/01English51
The validity and reliability of focus groups as a research method in adult education2003/09/01English50
Youth, terrorism and education: Britain’s Prevent programme2016/03/03English50
Professional practice, learning, and continuing education: an integrated perspective‡1992/04/01English50
Decolonial pedagogies walking and asking. Notes to Paulo Freire from AbyaYala2015/01/02English49
Soft skills assessment: theory development and the research agenda2013/12/16English49
Adults who do not want to participate in learning: a cross-national European analysis of their perceived barriers2016/11/01English48
The in‐between: exposing everyday learning at work2006/01/01English47
Cultivating a sense of belonging in part-time students2001/07/01English46
Power dynamics in teaching and learning practices: an examination of two adult education classrooms1998/11/01English45
Malcolm Knowles’ Theory of Andragogy: A Critique1984/04/01English45
Good for your soul? Adult learning and mental well‐being2009/03/01English44
Biographies of exclusion: poor work and poor transitions2007/09/01English42
Age Friendly Universities and engagement with older adults: moving from principles to practice2016/09/02English41
Local knowledge and adult learning in environmental adult education: community‐based ecotourism in southern Thailand2009/07/01English39
Lifelong learning and the limitations of economic determinism2000/01/01English39
Learning to be active citizens: lessons of traditional Africa for lifelong learning2001/11/01English39
Older and wiser?: workplace learning from the perspective of experienced employees2005/01/01English39