Set: Research Information for Teachers

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Scale for rating behavioral characteristics of superior students1976/06/0184
Identity Matters: Racial-ethnic identity and Māori students2012/08/0122
The Te Kotahitanga Effective Teaching Profile2009/08/0122
Principal instructional leadership and secondary school performance2012/05/0120
Cultural relationships for responsive pedagogy: A bicultural mana ōrite perspective2018/05/2019
The importance of the teacher/student relationship for Māori and Pasifika students2002/11/0118
The schooling experiences of Pasifika students2011/11/0114
“How can we teach them when they won’t listen?”: How teacher beliefs about Pasifika values and Pasifika ways of learning affect student behaviour and achievement2012/11/0112
Teacher feedback to students in numeracy lessons: Are students getting good value?2003/11/019
Curriculum integration: what it is and is not2000/11/019
Developing mathematical inquiry communities: Enacting culturally responsive, culturally sustaining, ambitious mathematics teaching2018/10/027
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: What makes it work?2002/08/017
Kaupapa Maori messages for the mainstream2000/05/017
Dot, slash, cross: How assessment can drive teachers to ticking instead of teaching2000/05/017
School culture2000/11/017
Student inquiry and curriculum integration: Shared origins and points of difference (Part A)2012/11/017
Children in traffic1976/06/016
Children researching their own experiences: Lessons from the Canterbury earthquakes2017/01/016
Respect in teaching and learning mathematics: Professionals who know, listen to and work with students2012/11/016
“The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present”: Preparing your students for their critically multiliterate future today2014/05/016
School Climate: Assessing and Improving School Environments1990/08/016
Computational thinking is more about humans than computers2016/06/106
R*E*S*P*E*C*T: A value vital for Pasifika learners2019/12/205
Developing young children’s creativity: What can we learn from research?2005/05/015
Focusing on relationships creates safety in schools2007/05/015
How do teachers use picture books to draw on the cultural and linguistic diversity in their classrooms?2013/08/015
Starting out in teaching: Surviving or thriving as a new teacher2007/11/015
Teacher talk to improve teaching practices2003/05/015
Teachers as researchers: A professional necessity?2003/05/015