International Journal of Advertising

Title Publication Date Language Citations
More than meets the eye2007/01/01English101
Exploring how consumers cope with online behavioral advertising2016/10/21English96
Internet advertising effectiveness2007/01/01English91
Corporate Objectives in Sports Sponsorship1987/01/01English89
The current state of knowledge on electronic word-of-mouth in advertising research2018/01/02English88
Impact of fear appeals on pro-environmental behavior and crucial determinants2015/11/03English88
A new model of how celebrity endorsements work: attitude toward the endorsement as a mediator of celebrity source and endorsement effects2015/04/07English88
Talking about CSR matters: employees’ perception of and reaction to their company’s CSR communication in four different CSR domains2019/05/21English87
Why young consumers are not open to mobile marketing communication2007/01/01English86
Celebrity Advertising1987/01/01English86
Convergence and divergence in consumer behaviour: implications for global advertising2003/01/01English85
Celebrity and foreign brand name as moderators of country-of-origin effects2005/01/01English85
Factors affecting attitudes and behavioural intention towards social networking advertising: a case of Facebook users in South Korea2015/03/11English84
International food advertising, pester power and its effects2006/01/01English84
How do Japanese consumers perceive wireless ads? A multivariate analysis2004/01/01English84
Getting the word out on Twitter: the role of influentials, information brokers and strong ties in building word-of-mouth for brands2016/04/19English81
The trouble with creatives: negotiating creative identity in advertising agencies2007/01/01English81
The Covert Advertising Recognition and Effects (CARE) model: Processes of persuasion in native advertising and other masked formats2019/09/16English80
The effectiveness of environmental advertising: the role of claim type and the source country green image2000/01/01English79
Beliefs, attitudes and behaviour towards Web advertising2002/01/01English78
What can advertisers learn from neuroscience?2007/01/01English77
Humour effect on memory and attitude: moderating role of product involvement2003/01/01English75
Disclosing the persuasive nature of advergames: moderation effects of mood on brand responses via persuasion knowledge2015/01/01English75
The effect of an advertisement’s colour on emotions evoked by attitude towards the ad2007/01/01English74
Using self-referencing to explain the effectiveness of ethnic minority models in advertising2002/01/01English74
Why are consumers following social media influencers on Instagram? Exploration of consumers’ motives for following influencers and the role of materialism2021/08/17English72
Too good to be true: the role of online reviews’ features in probability to buy2016/06/24English72
Product placement in movies: a comparison of Chinese and American consumers’ attitudes2003/01/01English70
Digital advertising: present and future prospects2019/07/25English69
Humanistic Advertising1983/07/01English69