Congress & the Presidency

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Delaying the Buck: Timing and Strategic Advantages in Executive-Legislative Bargaining over Appropriations2014/01/01English5
Representational Inconsistency: Presentation of Self and Explanations of Washington Activity in Campaign Mail and Franked Mail2016/05/03English5
Re-Thinking Legislative Productivity: Commemorative Legislation and Policy Gridlock2009/06/17English4
The President and the Public: Inaugural Addresses in American History2004/03/01English4
Choosing When to Choose: Explaining the Duration of Presidential Supreme Court Nomination Decisions2014/01/01English4
Framing the Accomplishment: How, and Why, Presidents use the Rhetorical Content in Signing Statements for Strategic Purposes, FDR–Carter2014/01/01English4
Forcing Their Hands? Campaign Finance Law, Retirement Announcements and the Rise of the Permanent Campaign in U.S. Senate Elections2015/01/02English4
The Carter Administration and Regulatory Reform: Searching for the Right Way1991/09/01English4
Identifying the Critical Members of the House of Representatives2016/01/02English4
Understanding and Responding to Constituent Opinion on Capitol Hill2018/09/02English4
The Presidency and Political Equality2016/08/18English4
Dual Experiences—Tenure and Networks in the House of Representatives2020/07/21English4
The Vice President in the U.S. Senate: Examining the Consequences of Institutional Design2018/03/29English4
The Several Elections of 18241996/09/01English4
A Tale of Three Variables: Exploring the Impact of Alternative Measures of Presidential Approval On Congressional Voting2005/09/01English4
Impeachment Practice in the Era of Lethal Conflict1998/09/01English4
Presidents and Personal Goals: The Speaker of the House as Nonmajoritarian Leader2007/09/01English4
Creating an Angel: Congressional Delegation to Ad Hoc Commissions1998/09/01English4
New Data and New Directions in Interbranch Lobbying: Congressional Mail Summaries of the George H.W. Bush White House2006/03/01English4
Democratic Leadership in the Modern Senate: The Emerging Roles of the Democratic Policy Committee1995/09/01English4
“Incumbency Advantagerdquo; and Incumbency Resources: Recent Articles11981/12/01English4
Congressional Rules and Conflict Resolution: Access to Information in the House Select Committee on Intelligence1988/03/01English4
Patterns of Change in the Congressional Budget Process, 1865-19741982/09/01English4
Rules to Live By: Agenda Control and the Partisan Use of Special Rules in the House2012/01/01English4
Staffing theFrontLines of theCulture War: ConstituencyReligiousEffects onAssignment to theSenateJudiciaryCommittee2014/05/04English4
Signing On and Sounding Off: Presidential Signing Statements in the Eisenhower Administration, 1953–612013/01/01English4
State of the Union Addresses and the President's Legislative Success2010/05/25English4
Ousting the Oligarchs: Assessing the Consequences of Reform and Change on Four House Committees1981/12/01English4
The Impact of Party Cues on Citizen Evaluations of Senators2011/02/10English4
Surge and Decline: The Impact of Changes in Voter Turnout on the 2010 Senate Elections2014/09/02English4