Congress & the Presidency

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Public Outreach, Executive Orders, and the Unilateral Presidency2014/09/02English4
Presidential Power Denied: A New Model of Veto Overrides Using Political Time2014/05/04English4
Congressional Communication in a Pandemic: “Follow the Leader” Politics and Responsive Representation2021/09/09English4
The “New Normal” in Supreme Court Confirmation Voting: Hyper-Partisanship in the Trump Era2020/05/13English4
Ideological Primary Competition and Congressional Behavior2019/05/07English4
Follow the Leader: Issue-Dependent Representation in American Political Institutions2013/01/01English3
Woodrow Wilson's Congressional Government and the Modern Congress: The "Universal Principle" of Change1987/03/01English3
The Toussie Pardon, “Unpardon,” and the Abdication of Responsibility in Clemency Cases2011/02/10English3
Congress, Health Care Reform, and Reconciliation2012/09/01English3
Bill Clinton and Welfare Reform: A Perspective from Oral History2015/09/02English3
Sounding the Alarm: Trump’s Emergency Declaration at the Southern Border and Constitutional Failure2020/02/04English3
The Politics of Credit in Presidential Signing Statements2016/05/03English3
Putting the Brakes on Greased Wheels: The Politics of Weak Obstruction in the United States Senate2017/09/02English3
The Politics of Executive Nominations in the Post-Nuclear Senate2017/09/02English3
Gaining Access and Constituent Correspondence in the U.S. House of Representatives2019/04/04English3
Who Needs the Wealthy? The Effects of Size Scaling on Money in Senate Elections2019/05/04English3
The Political Strategies of Social Movements: A Comparison of the Women’s and Environmental Movements1992/03/01English3
The Disingenuous Presidency: Reagan’s Veto and the “Make-My-Day” President1994/03/01English3
Congress, Policy Sustainability, and the Affordable Care Act: Democratic Policy Makers Overlooked Implementation, Post-Enactment Politics, and Policy Feedback Effects2018/09/02English3
The President and the Environment: A Reinterpretation of Neustadt's Theory of Presidential Leadership2010/10/01English3
Who Franks? Explaining the Allocation of Official Resources2010/10/01English3
The Longer You Wait, the Longer It Takes: Presidential Transition Planning and Appointment Politics2021/05/12English3
Sounding Presidential: Frame Creation in the Obama Administration2015/01/02English3
Five Factions, Two Parties: Caucus Membership in the House of Representatives, 1994–20022009/03/23English3
Oversight Subcommittees in the House of Representatives1998/09/01English3
Clinton, Congress, and Cuba Policy Between Two Codifications: The Changing Executive-Legislative Relationship in Foreign Policy Making2002/09/01English3
"Don't Go Changing to Try and Please Me": A Preference-Consistency Analysis on Trade Policy in the U.S. House2007/03/01English3
New Strategies for an Old Medium: The Weekly Radio Addresses of Reagan and Clinton2006/03/01English3
The Ideological Ends Against the Middle: House Roll Call Votes on Normal Trade Relation Status for China, 1990-20002003/09/01English3
Electoral and Partisan Forces in the Roosevelt Era: The U.S. Congressional Elections of 19382001/09/01English3